Okay, non-wrestling ..erm.. thingy today Tomorrow we vote on - TopicsExpress


Okay, non-wrestling ..erm.. thingy today Tomorrow we vote on something possibly more important than anything before I have only one thing to say.. vote with your head, and make sure its your true gut feeling, not what is trendy, not a knee jerk reaction, clear everything else from your mind, be it the braveheart speech or that nagging fear that an independant Scotland will be rubbish, its YOUR vote, not Mel Gibsons, Sean Connerys, Alex Salmonds, David Camerons, Gordon Browns oreven that wee guy on your friends list with the yes/no sticker on his pic..its YOURS!!!! TBH both sides have said pretty stupid stuff The No camp with the well give you more powers if you stay/your screwed if you leave patter, the going on about the pound (a similar tactic lost William Hague a general election FYI )and the whole BBC bias..but tbh considering how they reported on the War in Iraq..is it any suprise they would show no shame in their reporting style? and if they think we are that useless by ourselves.. why even give us a parliment in the first place? if you think someone is a killer, you dont hand them a knife The Yes Camp, I gotta be honest..they need to gag The Suntan Socialist/ El Presedente/ The Peoples Liar Tommy Sheridan saying its not just a vote for independance its 2 fingers to Westminster..NO thats not a bloody good reason..its not and never shoud be aboutwinding up England/the Tories/etc the question is not do you ike the Tories/England? and soome say We didnt vote the Tories into power, no I didnt vote for the tories into power..didnt Vote SNP either..so that arguement is flawed and being under Englands foot..wow are they stopping Scots in the street? burning our homes, taking our womenfolk? no..it could be worse and no Nuclear power, if you have the right safety stuff in place and theres no enviromentalists trying to break in and wreck places ( if they think its THAT unsafe why do they wanna go in and mess about? ) I like Nuclear power leave it be and one last thing..to Alex Salmond..at least show people you have a backup plan incase we dont get everything you want, it would be nice if we did stuff like the Poound thing, if he would just ay something like If we dont get a currency union, but Im hoping we do.. heres what our options are..stuff like that inspires confidence. in closing both sides make good and bad arguements, though with the No its more scaremongering, with the Yes its more facepalming stuff I will vote... but I wont tell anyone beforehand which way and dont pay attention to polls, heres a lil video that shows how misleading they can be youtube/watch?v=G0ZZJXw4MTA
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:56:00 +0000

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