Okay people, I keep saying I am having a walk up a wee hill!! And - TopicsExpress


Okay people, I keep saying I am having a walk up a wee hill!! And I suppose what I mean is that you lot are handing over your hard earned cash, when times are hard. You are coming to my events and supporting me, when your lives are busy. And that is a harder feat than climbing this mountain. So I guess what I am saying is that I got the easy bit. YOU guys are the stars in all of this and I thank you!! Here is a detailed account of my walk up that wee hill to prove it...... (is it too late to cancel haha). On day 1 we will be take The Machame Route through the National Park. After breakfast we will head off to Naremoru Gate on the north Eastern slopes. We will start a slow and steady climb taking around 5 hours through thick forest where it will be very hot and humid. Up to 2650m. When we reach Simba Camp after 5 hours walking we will have a candlelit dinner and relax taking in the views of Kibo Peak!! Then we can retire to our tents!! On day 2 we will take a steep ascent over 5/6 hours through the heather up towards the alpine desert. Here we can see all the way over towards Kenya but there wont be time to enjoy the views! We will eat lunch as we climb so no stopping today and eventually we will arrive in Kikelewa Cave Camp at an eye watering 3,600 metres above sea level. When we reach this camp we shall have a candlelit dinner and retire to our tents. On day 3 we will climb to 4325 meters above sea level over 4-5 hours!! It will be a very tough morning but there is good news.... We will rest in the afternoon! We rest at Mawenzi Tarn Hut were we can see the jagged Mawenzi peak. There is the chance to do an acclimitisation trek here to get our bodies used to the change in air due to the altitude. We will have a candlelit dinner and get plenty rest as Day four will be the toughest yet. On day 4 we will climb to 4700 metres towards Kibo hut. Today will be tough. Not because of the distance but because we will have already have been on our feet for 3 days and the change in altitude is worse today than before. We should arrive 4/5 hours later at Kibo Hut and have dinner in the late afternoon. We will be encouraged to sleep straight after dinner as at midnight we head for the summit! Day 5 will be a very tough day. We get up at midnight!! Have a few snacks and freshen up then we have a very slow ascent across the Scree Slopes towards Gilmans Point. First light comes up around 05.30 around this time we will reach Gilmans point. We will then ascend further up to Uhuru Peak, The Roof Of Africa!! And If I make it there alive this is the summit!! We will spend some time there taking in the views, anyone who knows me will know I will no doubt be crying and then after many photos are taking we start our decent down. Passing Gilmans point and stopping for brunch at Kibo. We will arrive at Horombo late afternoon where we get a well earned rest!! This is the longest trekking day and most of it will be in the dark, but it will also be the best day as we reach the top and all of the money pledged from you generous people will have been worth it!! On day 6 we start our decent down to Marangu gate with a gradual decline through the heath and cloud forrest. After a few hours we will reach the gate, sign out and board our transfer back to the hotel for a much needed shower, rest and reality check. There will be a celebratory meal where we will all receive our Uhuru Peak Certificates!! I might cry again at this point...... As I said...... A walk up a wee hill!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:42:19 +0000

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