Okay, since my news feed is clogged with race this and race that, - TopicsExpress


Okay, since my news feed is clogged with race this and race that, Im going to put in my two cents. I dont buy into that whole new-age uber PC EO/SHARP nonsense. The type of thinking that says if Im one person out of 100 and I dont like the color purple, no one should be able to wear it. I grew up in the Army. Not so much in the literal sense of the word, although that has happened as well. Take our barracks in Bragg, we were a motley crew! So many races, creeds, colors, and religions represented. If you were to walk in, not knowing any better, youd think we were getting ready to kill each other. Appearances can be deceiving however, yes racial and religious slanders were being tossed about, but we were doing it to ourselves and to our brothers. Give and take, we all knew there was no ill intent meant. Fast forward 18 years in the future, and it is much the same. If I see a brother knocked off his feet during a firefight do you honestly think that I pause and ask myself what color or background this person is before I render aid? To say that it is anything other than covering the brothers to your left and right would be disingenuous. That being said, yes I have seen racism. Ive seen it in the country. Ive seen it on reservations. Ive seen it in the city. It exists, and as ugly as it is, I honestly believe it will always be there. We, who have seen and faced pure evil, know that evil exists in the world. Pure and simple. Regardless, have your political discussions. I love a spirited debate as much as the next guy, and we are all entitled to our opinions (even if sometimes they are spewed out of a mouth, on a head, which is inserted in ones anus). The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:20:17 +0000

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