Okay, so I called around everywhere to hopefully find where they - TopicsExpress


Okay, so I called around everywhere to hopefully find where they had taken James Wilson (The gentleman I helped after his motorcycle accident) & I FOUND HIM!! HE SURVIVED THE 60+ MPH MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT WITH MULTIPLE INJURIES BUT HE IS ALIVE, THANK GOD!! Im so glad I could literally help save someones life, I spoke with his wife & she said she was hoping by some miracle Id look for them & get in contact because she is so thankful that I stopped & helped because doctors said If it wasnt for that person stopping immediately after the accident to help, he wouldnt have made it or been strong enough to pull through those first few minutes after shock set in..I was the link that kept James connected to the world, whether he heard me muffled or clearly..the voice he heard helped him stay alive & pull through. Understand I found this man bleeding out of his eyes, mouth, nose, & head..thrown 10ft from his bike with NO HELMET..a man who had 5 minutes prior had jus passed me & waved out of courtesy for me moving to the shoulder. Colorless, unresponsive, & letting out bloody gargled grunts is how I found this man..basically at the end of his life. I feel life put me there for that very reason too, idk if to test me or to teach me a lesson but my human nature definitely kicked in which the decision for me to stop & help was what LITERALLY saved this mans life. The second person to stop (Multiple cars passed me up as I waved them down frantically btw) happened to be a nurse, him & I were really the only ones helping James while everyone else pulled out their phones..thankfully the ambulance was quick to show up & got him to the help he needed to begin recovering. I only did what I would hope someone would do for me in a similar situation, Im still speechless for what happened but so glad he & his wife can continue to spend the rest of their lives together. When we asked him if there was anybody he wanted us to call, he said his wifes name but as he did he cleared his voice & spoke up to say it clearly as if the thought of his wife made him fight to stay awake because his eyes were rolling back every few minutes but once he said her name he stayed awake until she got there.e to find out theyve been married for 38 years, hearing that made me feel good about saving this mans life. There are still good people in this world, but YOU must BE them.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 22:26:09 +0000

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