Okay....so I couldnt find any sugar in my kitchen to make cookies - TopicsExpress


Okay....so I couldnt find any sugar in my kitchen to make cookies with last night ....BUT...where there is a will, there is a way!!!!! What I DID find was a super fudge cake mix that I can turn into chocolate crinkle cookies!!!! Which I will do at some point tonight after supper....and I did find a few other emergency stash items like chocolate covered cherries that I had forgotten about. hehehehe Some may say I have a problem....oh who cares....so what if I do...e to my house and I MIGHT share a cookie with ya....maybe...or at least I would let you smell the cookie before I eat it. Thats isnt wrong, is it? LOL And I failed to get out of bed at a decent time to get dressed and make the necessary but dreaded trip to Walmart...but at least I did get my medicine called in. So I consider today a success. Ill get up early and make the Walmart run tomorrow. LOL I have GOT to get myself on a much more normal routine of going to bed early and getting up at a decent hour and getting dressed. But when it is FREEZING in this old house (which by the way, I LOVE this old house and its cold floors), its hard to get out my nicely snuggly and warm pjs and change into actual clothes. Ill make that a project and work on it ..... next week. LOL I COULD take a page out of the Lazy Kat Travel Guide Through the Universe and follow the way Sissy Girl and Taz Kat travel thru the house and try it....but somehow I dont see it working very well for me. I have hardwood floors that are FREEZING in the winter time. Neither of the girls like for their little paws to touch the cold floor....so what they do is JUMP from one piece of furniture to another eliminating any unnecessary time their delicate widdle paws are on the floor. Taz Kat is the most creative above it. She will somehow position one of my office chairs in the sewing room in line with the door. When she jumps from one chair to the other, she has enough momentum to roll about halfway down the hallway before she needs a push. Its quite interesting to watch and really should be worked into the winter Olympics. The 15 pound weight gain that Ive experienced since starting chemo back in October has leveled off and is beginning to come back down to a more reasonable level. Those little ninja dragon slayer warriors must have some weight packed on them when they enter my bloodstream and enter the battle. So I still have my battle cry going - Go little warriors, Go!!!!! Well....I reckon Ive rambled on enough about nothing. I heard the nurses talking about chemo fog last week. I always thought Brenda was pulling my leg when she talked about that....but I guess she wasnt joking around any. LOL Who knew it was real and could actually make you sound just a little on the cooky side -not that I really needed any help with that but now I have a doozy of a medical term for it - chemo fog. LOLOLOL ooooh....I just checked the weather guide on my smart phone and its telling me that tomorrow really WILL be a great day. Its going to be warm and in the 80s which will make my joints and muscles very, very, very happy!!!! Ive been picking out dream vacations that I want to experience one day. Most people choose wonderful adventures like Alaska or Bahamas cruises....I choose week long quilt retreats taught by some of my favorite designers. Yep...Im a wild woman. Somehow, I doubt that Booger will go for a quilt retreat but a girl can dream..... Wow....Im getting really, really sleepy all of the sudden...so I reckon, I will go warm up a spot on my bed for Queen Sissy Girl -- I am her official bed warmer. So...until my next ramblins on about absolutely nothing, yall keep your feet on the floor and keep reaching for those hidden stash cookies on the top shelf and dont you feel one ounce of guilt about it.... Yall be the sparkle on this dark, damp and cold winter day!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 19:27:12 +0000

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