Okay...so I finally got some batteries for my ancient camera. Now - TopicsExpress


Okay...so I finally got some batteries for my ancient camera. Now for a short tour of the store. Lets start with the walls today. This wall has a framed bag from the late designer Patrick Kellys store. My friend, Margaret Foreman, bought a dress from his shop and gave the bag to me...since she knew I was a huge fan! I dont even want to think about how long ago that was. And the bag is still in relatively good shape. The picture on the right is a reproduction of a Josephine Baker Revue poster purchased in France. Muchas Gracias Marcela! This is the result of a running joke at my old job where I worked with Marcela F. and Patrick K. Love it! The picture on the bottom is a classic, if I may say so myself. It is a picture of me with my late Great-Grandmother, Sally Murray. I must have been around 4 years old. Check out the fierce purse she has on her lap and the hat on her head. (I need that purse in this store!) I have included a close-up of that picture so you can enjoy my Afro and that purse. More to follow...
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 12:53:31 +0000

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