Okay so I have 2 weeks to get all my things in order. The two - TopicsExpress


Okay so I have 2 weeks to get all my things in order. The two weeks started last Saturday. I have things to sell and relocate. I have many things to do and to get done in these 2 weeks or few days that are left, including celebrate my birthday on 420. Things I tell myself when I am going through things that others would classify of as hell. I say to me, Jay look at the bright side of things, keep your eye on the prize on the goal, stay focused on what you set out to do. Let the noise makers make noise and flap in the wind, but never allow them to distract you from what you are doing. Remember in the end there is a reward for all of the effort, nobody who has worked so hard to achieve a goal with such diligence and care should be denied the pleasure of obtaining it and that includes me. I keep reminding myself, that the only thing driving me that is different than the driving force of others is the love with which actions are taken. What is my motivation? Oh yes to create a better place for those who would live on this planet we call home. To bring forth an awakening that allows you to see the true power of who you are and opens a way for all of us to operate on love, not just what is best for me alone but what is best for all of us? When I say best I am not always talking about money, I am talking about those things we all need to have in order to live a sound life. I am always being blessed, I have seen some of my best blessings coming out of the remaining ashes left over from what the fire consumed. I did not cry for the loss but I have always given thanks for the blessing I got from that apparent loss. I remind myself that there is one who knows and sees and is in control of what is just and what is just in question. J. !~*~!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 19:52:32 +0000

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