Okay, so I wasnt able to sleep so I laid on the couch as not to - TopicsExpress


Okay, so I wasnt able to sleep so I laid on the couch as not to disturb my girlfriend because she has to work at 8AM. So here I am laying on the couch playing my games when I hear noises outside and car doors slamming. I quickly get up and cautiously walk to the door and peek out the window only to see two suspicious people running across the road away from our cars and then hurriedly walking down the road away from the house. Freaking out I wait a minute before opening the door and looking around, quietly I slip outside and make my way to check inside all three of our cars but dont really notice anything missing or disturbed but I still feel panic. I rush inside to wake Dani and tell her what I heard and saw. She immediately gets up, straps on her leg and heads outside with me on her heels. We check each car again and agree we dont notice anything. Run down stairs to ask my love if she had left anything valuable in the car, she says no. Call the cops as a precaution and explain what I saw, by the end of the call Brenda is up and angry (she is tired after only falling asleep at a little after 2AM and at this time it was 4:23AM). She rushes out the door and to her car and proceeds to start up and drive off, I watch and am on the look out for the escape artist cat (Willow)... He is, as always, an asshole and refuses to be caught. While Brenda is off searching for the mysterious would be thieves a cop in an SUV slowly creeps by the house as I am gently calling for the cats attention, Willow? Willow! The cop proceeds past me and flips a u-turn at the end of the block heading back in the direction the suspicious characters had run off in. He spot lights the bushes and area, meanwhile two other officers are also driving down the other directions searching for the two people I had reported. My heart is pounding, Im slightly scared to death that these people may come back for some reason. Brenda returns home just as Willow jumps on the Mustang, she catches him and brings him inside. My stomach begins to hurt horridly. Brenda finds me a pudding to detour the pain , my love takes care of me. Previous to the noises I heard in the beginning I had been thinking about Brenda and Is up coming trip to Seattle for my transplant check up. I was on edge with fear of the airline ride, talking to the nephrologist and introducing Brenda to my family. Now I am double on edge, and I am babbling to Dani whilst feeling guilty about keeping her awake. Head to check on my puppy in the living room when I think I hear a car passing, went to look out the door when the cat escapes for a second time. Manage to catch the animal using sly persuasion with food (or no food but just his bowl and a spoon) luckily he comes running into the house and I catch him. Now stressed to the max I find myself back in Danis room talking more as Dani watches TV, but finally I take another sleeping pill and walk downstairs. Now I am sitting with my lovely bride to be curled against my side with my puppy, Zack, sleeping between us. I am calming down, adrenaline is leaving and my body is beginning to slow pace. Mind is also slowing and my eyes are becoming heavy. I did not tell this story to share my experience with anyone, I wrote it to test my writing abilities as I am debating going to school. My choices lie between writing and photography, though I am not sure which I would captivate others interest with. I would love some opinions. My best friend, Dani, is a photographer and Ill be honest and say that I idealize her and the strides she has made in her life in the last year since she received her degree last year. I love taking pictures, and I love how it makes me feel when I look back on a well taken photo. I take pride in beautiful photographs that I have taken. But I have also had a love for writing since I was a teenager, so I find myself torn. If you are reading this, I urge you to share your feelings, whether good or bad. Thanks for reading, if you got this far. -Sarah With: Dani Rae Crane
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 11:10:42 +0000

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