Okay, so I went out to the East End of Long Island last night to - TopicsExpress


Okay, so I went out to the East End of Long Island last night to help a good friend trap a feral. We did our very best...two traps...roasted chicken, mackerel, Fancy Feast... sat for hours...but no luck. I arrived home at 1am, poured a glass of wine, fed my own cats, took a bath, went to bed to spend time with Gato...so I read for a little while and cuddled with him, then fell asleep at 3:30am. My eyes popped open at 6am. I willed myself back to sleep and woke up to noisy workers in my condo at 8am. I gave up the dream of sleep and went down to make coffee and feed cats and kittens. Never happened. I decided to check my phone for messages. There was an urgent message from a fellow trapper at a colony my friend Dottie and I have been trapping at for a few months. One of the females (mother of the kittens I have now) was in this elderly womans garage and she had to leave, so could I come and talk the woman into NOT opening the garage door? So I drop everything.....including feeding my own cats and head over to the location. Long story short....I texted my almost ex-husband (who is good at helping with ferals) and pretty much ordered him to help me - LOL. (Believe me, I will get hell for this later, but hey, the cat is trapped!) He did come along and 50 minutes later...we got her into a carrier. It was very tense because it was a big garage and she was flying all over the place to get away....climbing ladders, climbing in and out of the two cars engines about three dozen times, jumping down onto the hood of cars...finally, she went behind a bunch of ladders in a corner and when she leapt out I said, no way are you getting away from me again and threw the towel over her and scruffed her. She bit me but I didnt feel a thing...I wasnt letting go! She is now in my garage in a nice, big roomy trap, with food and water. On Thursday, she will go for spaying. She appears to be pregnant.....so it was urgent that we trap her as soon as possible. She is so scared and stressed so I have classical music playing for her in the garage, fresh water and Fancy Feast seafood in her trap and a nice cozy towel for her to sleep on. Only one more female to trap at this location of dozens of cats! All I can say is thank you universe for your help with this one and Retro Fitness Gym for making me strong. :) I wasnt letting go of this cat for anything. I never scruffed so hard - with bare hands. Sid had his gloves on..I threw mine off as I could not scruff properly. Luckily, she did not bite through my nail. Lol. I finally fed my cats at 12:45pm. Arent they the most amazing cats? They put up with me! Not sure anyone else but my cats would put up with me and my life. :) Momma is pretty...photos to follow. And thank you Dottie for your friendship, expertise and help!!!!! What a day! Dont know about you...but Im ready for bed.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 22:39:27 +0000

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