Okay so Ive got two pieces to the first chapter so Ill post the - TopicsExpress


Okay so Ive got two pieces to the first chapter so Ill post the first part tonight and the second tomorrow :) Okay so once upon a time fans are you ready??? By the way Ive had to adjust the ages of Merida and her 3 brothers Storybrooke I woke up early, like I normally do. Got out of bed and put the normal green dress on and put on my cloak over it. I pulled a brush through my red curly locks before grabbing my Bow and Arrows. I walked down the flights of stair and was about to exit the house, before my Mother surfaced. “And where do you think you’re going?” She asked accusingly. I quickly spun around, pushing my Bow and Arrows far behind my back so she couldn’t see them. “I, well, you see… I’m going for a walk in the forest” I said, it was half the truth. “With your Bow and Arrows?” She questioned. I smiled whilst raising my shoulders slightly, making my mother sigh, “Merida, how many times have I told you, a princess does not go shooting targets with a Bow and Arrow in the forest, it isn’t Lady like. Anyway, it is especially dangerous for you!” “Mother, I am 21 years old; I am old enough to take care of myself! I don’t want to be a princess like you want me to be! Please Mother! Please let me go out!” I pleaded, emphasizing that I am 21 years old. She sighed in defeat and turned around, walking towards the kitchen. “Thank you!” I shouted, before putting on my boots and leaving the house. From the house the forest is a literal 10 minute walk, which was handy because I really didn’t have the energy to walk for a full hour. Upon reaching my practice area, I took off my cloak and dropped it onto the leafy ground. I grabbed my Bow and place an Arrow in the nocking point and the arrow rest and pulled the string back. Aiming for the target placed on the tree, I released the string and the arrow landed right in the middle. Reaching for a second arrow, I did the same, placed it in the nocking point and the arrow rest. I pulled the string back and aimed it at the target. I was about to release until I heard footsteps drawing closer. So, as quick as I possibly could, I picked up my cloak threw it on, and hid up in the closest tree to me as possible. When I reached the point I usually perch myself, I balanced myself using the branch above me and looked at the scene below me. It was my mother talking to the woman I was warned about when I was old enough to understand, Zelena, better known as the Wicked Witch. “Where is your priced possession” Zelena sneered, sending shivers down my spine “I have no idea who you are talking about, so I suggest you get off our land. You’re not welcome here, and you will never be!” My mother retorted. “You think you’re going to make me run away that easy? No, you’re wrong! I’m not leaving until you give me my princess!” Zelena hissed. She raised her hand in a swift motion and flicked her wrist causing my mother to go flying into a tree. I quickly, but quietly, climbed down from the tree and hid behind the bushes next to them and watched the scene pan out in front of my eyes. “Zelena! Be gone! You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into!” My father shouted. Oh he just had to get himself into the picture. “Oh Fergus! You know I can’t leave without what I came for! Now hand her over, before I have to get her myself!” She screeched, causing me to cringe at the pitch of her voice. I was startled by my three brothers, triplets, crouch-running towards me holding a note. Merida. Zelena is out for you. Take yourself and your brothers to Storybrooke and you will find a diner, go there and seek protection. You may recognised some of them but, seek for Captain Killian Jones or Hook, as he likes to be called. You and he have a history together, and he will remember you. Do not worry about me or your father, we will be fine. Make sure your brothers don’t cause any trouble. And please don’t go looking for trouble. Love, Mother and Father I looked on the back of the note in hope for something else but nothing was there. I stuffed the note into my pocket and looked back to where my parents were, just in time to see them turned into flying monkeys. “It’s a shame that you couldn’t abide by my rules. It would’ve been a lot quicker. Now come, we need to find her!” She taunted. And, with a wave of her hand she disappeared in green smoke, including my mother and father. A single tear trickled down my cheek as I stood up putting on my hood. “Boy’s. Hoods up. We’re going to town” I said, with a mixture of anger and sadness in my voice. I stood up, gathering my bow and arrows, and waited for my brothers to follow my lead. It took about ten minutes to exit the forest and hit a road that lead into the middle of town. I looked around at my surroundings, trying to find the diner my mother I was talking about. I knew we had minimum time to spare when I heard screeching coming from above. I turned around to see multiple screeching from those pesky flying monkeys. “Run!” I shouted to my brothers in front of me. I quickly spun round and followed my brothers’ lead. As I caught up to them, I scooped Harris up, because he’s the slowest, and he climbed onto my back, whilst I grabbed Hubert and Hamish’s hands and continued to run for our dear lives. Shops began to emerge into our view, meaning one thing, the diner was close. We continued to run as they continued to close in on us. “Harris, when you get into the diner, ask for help! Now go!” I said quickly, whilst taking him off my shoulders and putting him on the ground. I slowed down, whilst they continued to run, and grabbed my bow and arrow, turned round and shot one of them, making them disappear in a cloud of gold dust. One down, five more to go. I grabbed another two arrows and shot two of them who happened to be close together. Two more down, three to go. I turned round to see my brothers disappear into the diner. I breathed a sigh of relief that they understood what I said. I mean in a situation like this, and them being six years old, I wouldn’t expect them to but they proved me wrong. I grabbed another arrow and shot another, just before I got lifted off the ground by the remaining two. “Get off!” Yes Merida, like they understand you. I was kicking and waving my arms around trying to get out of the creatures grips for all I was worth. There was no way I was going anywhere near that Wicked Witch. I continued kicking until I saw my brothers running out, each hold a person’s hand. Robin Hood. Prince Charming. The Evil Queen. I was continuously being carried up higher and higher until Charming noticed me. He tapped Hood on the shoulder and pointed towards me. Once hood noticed me he shot two arrows at the monkeys causing them to die in a cloud of gold dust and me to fall from several feet. Whilst falling, I somehow manage to position myself so I would have a better landing so I wouldn’t cause further injury to myself. However, that failed to happen, because when I landed, I went over on my ankle, causing searing pain to rush through my leg. “You alright, love?” Killian. I lifted my head up to see his eyes widen in shock. “If your ‘alright’ is falling seven feet, landing awkwardly and being on Zelena’s death list, then yes. I’m absolutely alright!” I said, with sarcasm dripping with every word I spoke. “Merida?” He said, unsure of whether it was me. “Killian” I said, smirking. With help from Hood and Killian, I stood up, passing all my weight onto my left leg. “What’re you doing here? You can’t be out in the open!” He scolded. I guess he still remembered what happened a few years back. “Killian. I’m fine! Besides, my Mother and Father told me to come find you” I admitted, looking him dead in the eye, whilst passing him the note. “Who are you, again?” Charming asked. “I’m Merida, Princess of DunBroch. And severely wanted by the Wicked Witch” I answered, whilst bending down to pick up my bow. Any questions, leave them in the comments. I know Im not the best writer, but I love doing it :) ~ Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 20:07:24 +0000

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