Okay, so I’m going to have to apologize to all my atheist - TopicsExpress


Okay, so I’m going to have to apologize to all my atheist friends for my previous comment. I realize that “explosion” is an oversimplification of the big bang theory and therefore a bit of a straw-man. The aforementioned explosion is different from other explosions since, according to atheist doctrine, it contained all the elements (the building-blocks if you will) that constitute the known universe. That still leaves the issue of how these elements could self-assemble into the amazing world we perceive and experience, especially when almost all human experience (I only say ‘almost’ because it’s impossible to prove a universal negative) indicates that things simply don’t design themselves (the whole ‘appearance of design’ argument just sounds like special pleading to me). Furthermore, the first law of biology (bio-genesis) has proven experimentally that life cannot arise from non-living matter and any theory that contradicts this law is therefore an unscientific theory. It has to be obvious then that a mere explosion of space-time-matter cannot possibly be a sufficient cause for the amazing specified complexity, diversity, and design we find in the universe (not to mention immaterial things such as self-awareness, beauty, morality, etc.). Again, how clearly intelligent people can believe otherwise boggles my mind – whatever you believe, there has got to be more to it than just a big bang!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 05:13:11 +0000

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