Okay, so You want to read it! --- I knew it would stir you up. - TopicsExpress


Okay, so You want to read it! --- I knew it would stir you up. Here it is, again! Does Racism still Exist? -- By: Michael Edward Lynch “Competition” ---- What is Competition, and when do we learn it? In the first grade I was in a spelling bee. I lost to the girl beside of me. We go outside to play kick ball at recess and compete against the other students. In high school fights would break out against opposing sports teams. Neighbors try to make their lawns look better than their other neighbors so that they can win yard of the month. This kid wants to have a cooler looking car than that kid. Major sports teams spend millions to beat their competition, by trying to get the very best players. Politian’s try to win votes, so that they can be Mayor or Senator or President, and on and on and on, etc. etc. Every freaking thing is a competition, and Race is one of the biggest! I was in the Air Force for 6 years. I had many roommates from all over the world. My German roommate said that it is clear that Germans are the best race. My Japanese friend said, it is clear that the Asia people are the smartest people, just look at the school test scores. My Native American friends say, that the Whites and Blacks have now taken everything from them and hung them “out to dry” on the reservations. Many Hispanics say “ that the US is their land. They were here hundreds of years before the white people. Living on the planet Earth is a competition! We are taught this as soon as we can speak and hear. People love games! --- At any given moment there are thousands of games and / or competitions happening in the world. We have competed in wars against Japan, Germany, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, cold war with Russia, and a bunch of other conflicts. Question to Myself: ---- Do I think that Racism will ever go away? Answer: --- Absolutely not! Why? ----- Start reading this post from the top again. If you still don’t understand, start reading this post from the top again. It might finally sink in! We Compete! ---- That’s what we, and all animals on Earth do. Ah! --- I knew you would ask! --- Am I a racist? If I pulled into my neighborhood and it was on fire, would I go first to the Hispanic home, Asian home, African American home, German home, Native American home or my home, I would first go to my home to save my people and things. Put yourself into the same situation. Where would you go first? ---- Most people will try to save their own family first, then assist other people later. Does this make you a racist? --- You decide! --- I am just a simple plumber who likes to bang on a guitar! So, what do you think?
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 20:51:10 +0000

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