Okay so a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away Robert had - TopicsExpress


Okay so a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away Robert had regular access to internet all the time. Within the span of two months I lost my phone then ended up never at home to use the laptop to look at Facebook for more than like 3 mins. Within this time I was in a show which opened tonight. I aged to 24, I spent about a week an a half living with my grand pal while he healed from a major back surgery. I transfered to the chipotle in sparks then since last week Ive been transfered back to Reno, I went on a pretty sweet camping trip, I went to LA for an out of the blue audition for like a day, finally got my jeep back the day before my birthday to have it break down again on my birthday an still currently broken down, and much much more Im totally forgetting as well. First Id like to say thank you to all the birthday wishes like a month after . Im sorry about that but thank you guys alot :-). Also thank you to my sister Jessie for helping me take care of papa with mom. Papa is doing a lot better. Home and walking pretty well now. Hes too stubborn to let back surgery stop him walking. Next Im in a show fiddler on the roof running this Saturday and Sunday doors at 7 curtain at 730 and next Friday, Saturday and Sunday same time. Its been a pretty fun show and its a great family treat to see. My bar friend Sasha was created out of character development for this show lol. Also I will be in another show called Wounded which Im very excited about with updates soon to follow. Also big thank you to Dana for the amazing last min picks post, I love em. I think that might be it all. Because I suck at math and properly working Facebook I will do a mass tag to just thank everyone in this summer endeavor of mine. Im sorry if i missed anyone and If you get tagged an have no clue what Im talking about well I hoped you enjoyed my crazy summer life. :-)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:07:13 +0000

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