Okay, so a while back Julie tagged me and now I have to share - TopicsExpress


Okay, so a while back Julie tagged me and now I have to share twenty-two things about myself that you dont know about me. I know, I know... Ive been busy. Here goes: 1) I am not just the eldest sibling in my family. I am also the eldest grandchild and cousin in my extended family. 2) Were it not for a typo, my last name would have been White. 3) I knew the day I met her that I would marry Patti. A year-and-a-half later, I did. 4) I believe the supernatural is real. I ALSO believe making the assumption that the spirits in your life are angels of light or various loved ones who have passed (i.e., Mom, Dad, Grandma) is incredibly foolish at best and dangerously stupid at worse - often both at the same time. Just because you feel it or some gifted person says it is so doesnt mean anything. At. All. These people think visualizing pretend white light and scrubbing their anchors (i.e., ouija boards, crystals, etc.) with salt and blessed oil or water is somehow powerful enough to protect from evil. Really?!? 6) I cry at the end of Disneys animated Beauty and the Beast. Every. Time. 7) My absolute favorite movie is the musical, Oliver! Oliver! and it has been since I was a little boy. The original film version of The Music Man, starring Robert Preston, is a very close second. 8) I believe a big reason children are so functionally - lets say it - DUMB today is they never watched Schoolhouse Rock and dont know the songs. 9) Ive always regretted never learning to build things. People who have this ability hold my highest admiration. 10) I used to crochet (and would love to do it again). 11) I cannot STAND the intellectual laziness of people who, when clearly outgunned in a disagreement with me fall back to the following: Well, I dont know as much as you about this because youve studied it more than me, so I disagree with you! Really?!? Im wrong because I chose to read a few books.... 12) I know what YOU did last summer.... 13) My liberal friends out there will love this: Two of my dearest - and I mean DEAREST - friends are revoltingly liberal. They are also the most loving people I know. They are also the smartest. Their intellects INTIMIDATE ME! (No shame....) 14) My pet peeve about driving: Obnoxious lane changing without using turn signals. 15) I have NO IDEA who Darth Coda is. Maybe.... 16) My favorite story is The Hobbit. (I was going to say book but there are a few I can think of that are right up there, too. Its the STORY I love so much!) 17) I can sing. Well. 18) Ive been doing voice impersonations since a young boy. Deaf voices were just a natural step for me. The night my then-girlfriend, Patti, first heard my voices she couldnt stop laughing. 19) For twenty years my wife has been angry with me for refusing to try out to compete on Jeopardy. (When we had just started dating, we were watching it on television with a number of her relatives. About ten minutes into the show I realized everyone in the room had gone silent and was staring at me. Id been blurting out every single question in response to the answers given unerringly since the show had started.) 20) I cant help it. 21) I used to have abs - six, I mean, instead of just the one. 22) I may have been naked when I wrote this....
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 22:01:53 +0000

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