Okay so as I finally lay down 1:18am I sit here n think about the - TopicsExpress


Okay so as I finally lay down 1:18am I sit here n think about the night Ive had. Starting at 6pm me n Briana Myriam Perez take our kids to the park, a little while after getting there me n her are on the playground with the babys. Christian Vega my 8 yrd son is catching lizards right outside the playground area 20 feet away from the house behind the park. All of the sudden I hear screaming, and I look over and see a 60 pound German Shepherd viciously attacking my 8 year old son! He was minding his own business catching lizards away from the dog. The dog for no reason jumped over the fence and attacked my son. As Im running towards him, the dog is on top of him and half way to him I look back because I remember there are babies so I wanted to make sure that the babies were safe. Christian kicked the dog off of him and ran on the playground hi were all of us ran. Im freaking out. He lifts his shirt up and theres a hole and blood just comes out of the hole right by his lung. I hold his shirt on his chest tightly and yelled call 911! The EMT and cops come, I make a police report and go to the hospital. Hes fine thank God! The dog tore his rib area up pretty decent though. So we discharged from the hospital. Then at around 8:00pm we get home and my 2 year old is wheezing pretty bad I took his temperature and it was at 103.4 Mind you we just went to the ER yesterday for his cough and fever. So we pack up and I take the baby to the hospital and by the time we got to the hospital his temperature was at 104. He was wheezing really bad and breathing heavy. The doctor gave him 2 breathing treatments, steroids and a bunch of Tylenol. His fever went down and his breathing stabilized. So we discharge at 1:00am in the morning. The baby just fell asleep and Christian was sleeping when I got here. I have never been so scared in my life. To see that dog on top of my son, and to get home and hear my other son breathing the way he was. I could say I had a bad day, but Id be lying because both of my kids are in bed, sleeping, healthy, happy, and safe.. What more could I ask for? I just thank God the dog didnt get a hold of one of these babies. I think God that my kids are okay and Christian was able to walk away from that accident and hes ok. Thank you God!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 05:32:28 +0000

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