Okay, so as many of you know I went on a weight loss journey in - TopicsExpress


Okay, so as many of you know I went on a weight loss journey in 2013 and at the end of 2013 I weighed 144. I was then in a car accident and was unable to workout. Because of have an endocrine disorder I slowly began to put back on weight. During that time I became depressed. However, now Im in a good mental place and ready to work on this personal issue more fully. I let school and life and pain get in the way and honestly Im tired of listening to myself make excuses. To be clear the next part is how I did it before and will do it this time. I am not a dietitian or nutritionist though much of what I know comes from health journals, doctors and personal trainers, it is all still my opinion and not fact :) So, as part of my journey eating is a life style change. I dont believe in dieting because a diet is temporary. So often I get asked how I eat. High fiber foods: whole wheat bread, rye bread, oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain cereal. These make you feel fuller longer. Fruits and veggies also give you fiber and are high water content. Lean proteins: turkey, chicken, fish (Im a protein shake junkie) Fats: generally nuts for me but small amounts. I eat five times a day. Three meals, two snacks. A good rule of thumb is balance and portion control. Eat less processed food. The truth is, many of us are on a budget and eating healthy isnt always easy. Healthier foods can be more expensive so a few tips: fruit that is in season is generally less costly. Get to know your local stores and get their sales papers. Budget for your health not for your wallet. I know what youre thinking...easier said right? The truth is, when youre cooking your own food often you can make several meals out of what you get. You can get more meals from buying and cooking rather than going out. Speaking of going out: eating healthy doesnt mean you cant go out! Subway Chik-Fil-a Smoothie King Are good places for healthy food but you are able to hit up the bad places every now and then. Its about forming good habits. One fun thing is making your own pizza. They make whole wheat pizza crust and you can get a variety of things to make your own pizza at home! Its not always about the food as much as the ingredients. Try new things and have fun. Stevia is your best sugar supplement. Water is essential. Water water water...what are you drinking? Water! Its also okay to put lemon or orange slices in your water. Very good for you :) I also take a lot of vitamins but thats a personal preference. I do recommend the following doe weight loss adventures (again this is what I do, and from different things Ive read and discussions with doctors and trainers etc): A good Multivitamin Calcium 1000mg/day (make sure it has magnesium and zinc otherwise you may clog your pipes :p) Omega-3 (for this I take a product called Tone which is an amazing supplement you can get from complete nutrition. They also have a green tea and black tea Tone which I take) however; if you arent taking tone then Id take 1200-2000 mg/day. Vitamin C - 1000mg/day Keep in mind weight loss is a huge part what you eat. Its like 80% food 20% exercise. Feeding your body in a healthy manner helps with so many things. For those like with with an endocrine disorder its even more essential and the physical aspect is just as crucial. Working out for me is different then what I would recommend to someone else. For most people I would say work out six days a week 30-60 minutes a day. Cardio four, strength two. For people like me its 6 days a week, three two-a-days. Rawr Keep in mind that its takes about 21 days to form a habit. It takes four weeks for your body to begin to transform. 8 weeks for you to notice the changes and 12 for everyone else to notice. Be encouraged :) Alright ... Let the games begin! :)
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 00:16:58 +0000

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