Okay..so here it is 4 al my frnz who were asking me 2 giv the - TopicsExpress


Okay..so here it is 4 al my frnz who were asking me 2 giv the review n tel the story #Half_Girlfriend in short….but al those who want 2 read the novel plz dont read below :v as i hav unveild quite a lot here :p so here i go...... :D It ws gud… (y) I cn place it after 2 states out of al his books.. :) the last part was quite dramatic…so filmy.. :/ it ws more lyk a muvi turnd 2 a book rathr thn a novel.. -_- It started with the prologue wich says that d main girl from the stry was dead but some turn n twist & she ws bck eventualy… :v The 1st part ws all as the name suggests..half-grlfriend & that guys r guys… mind hoverin ovr 1 thng wen thy tlk abt grls…lol…:D ( well, that’s a general observation… no hard feelin.. :p so plz dnt tak it personaly.. n yea now no further commnt on this note..:p it ws my freedom f speech ;) ) but that is wat transits the story... Somehw I felt the 2nd part ws the best and it ws depictd vry well.. (y) it hv shwn d real condition of Bihar, the reasns of backwardness of the villages…the Govt, the corrupt politicians.. >:( n on d othr side the royalty n nobility in thoughts of kingship rathr thn possession f property :) ,, how the main character who ws actualy a princ from a small vilag Dumraon hav struggled 2 get through the foreign language ‘English’, which cn realy b a hurdl at times… (y) bt the best part of the sectn ws the journals of the girl whom they presumed 2 b dead..:o the twistin point f d story…wich made my eyes wide open wen I ws feelin lil slpy by early morning :p n kept me readin it at one go until I finish… :D N finaly in the last part u see so mch of drama…:/ no guy wl do dat mch atlst… even though a part of me wantd dat hapy endin or els I wud hv cried n sat wid grumpy face for days but evn I felt its quite unrealistic.. -_- nywy al’s well dat ends wel..so as there s a hapy ending its nt bad.. :D for me it can b a 4 out of 5…(y) N yea 4 al my frnz who complain that CB nly writes abt engg stdnts n it is his only domain u cn read it bcz hre its difrnt profsnaly unlike his prevs books…there ws a social touch in it...(y) Umm..n oh yea…b best lesson of the novel: NEVER QUIT… (y) so this is al abt it....:) if u wana hv d real fun read d entire stry.. so hapy readin :D
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 08:52:56 +0000

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