Okay, so heres the problem. Israel apparently lays claim to all - TopicsExpress


Okay, so heres the problem. Israel apparently lays claim to all Gazas borders, so until Egypt annexes Gaza and Gaza becomes Egypts problem instead of Israels problem, (please G-d, please) it looks it little bit like apartheid in the former South Africa to the rest of the world. If Israel did not control, or purport to control Gazas borders, it would be different. And I believe in a Jewish state of Israel. And I have no power to influence anyone, so Im just throwing down some information. And I used to love Bibi. But all those children and women casualties? With no sense of proportion. And Bibi knew about the tunnels for years? Most of the innocent (yes, innocent) casualties could have been avoided with IDF feet on the ground. If 2,000 armed Philistinians had been killed by the IDF, neither I nor the world would not have cared so much. But, and Im about to get all scientific on you, our animal senses of compassion and justice (yes intelligent animals do appear to have both) are the default for the human race. And killing innocents in the 21st century is not kosher. And didnt the Jews invent the idea of NOT sacrificing human children?
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:58:54 +0000

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