Okay so i totally agree with IFLS that the anti-vax movement is - TopicsExpress


Okay so i totally agree with IFLS that the anti-vax movement is doing way more harm than good. We are seeing instances of wholly preventable diseases at an all time high since the introduction of vaccines. Im sorry if my following statements offend anyone. This is Canada, and among our first and foremost rights is the right to freedom of speech. Please respect mine. Vaccines do have some side effects and risks, yes. If the anti-vaxxers knew and understood how rare these effects actually are, I think this would be a much less frightening pandemic of idiocy. Lets talk about controlled study for a minute. Since the conception of modern I science, there has been a method of cause and effect analysis. So we have group a, who receives the drug, vaccine, whatever. Then group b, who receives a placebo. The scientists, doctors, whomever, oversee the effects of both groups. Now, the test subjects have no idea what group they are part of. The effects are recorded over a period of time - when it comes to medicine, we are talking decades, sometimes lifetimes and generations. Okay, onto the particular study that has raised eyebrows. Do we, as an intelligent society, really think that any causal link between MMR vaccine and autism wouldnt have been noted decades ago? Dr. Andrew Wakefield is the ONLY scientist to ever link MMR with autism. His results have never been duplicated, replicated or found in any other study anywhere in the world. Later, he was found to have falsified his findings as he had a profound financial conflict of interest regarding the results of his findings. His name has been disgraced and his licenses revoked. Sounds like a stand up guy, right? So tell me, if you went to your family doctor and he told you that calcium intake had no effect on the growth and health of bones, teeth, and general functionality, would you take that advice when thousands of other doctors around the world say otherwise? Better yet, if that doctor had his medical license revoked for making such statements for his own benefit would you still take his advice? Probably not. So why are so many people standing against vaccination? Do we really believe that decades of study by hundreds of doctors all over the world are wrong? Do you really believe that one man, who violated his Hippocratic oath for money, has our best interests at heart? I applaud the free thinkers who are standing up and asking questions. However, you cant just believe what you want with no evidence to support it! You have to consider what the Hippocratic oath is, what these scientists and doctors commit their lives to, and what they find. These folks are highly respected members of society because the very basis of their profession is honesty and integrity. You cant tell me that thousands of experts world wide are wrong, and some twit blonde hair and good boobs is right (yeah, I mean you, Jenny McCarthy). Anyway. Im not done but this is long enough that no one is gonna read it anyway. My point is - yes, ask questions and demand answers. but you have no right to compromise my quality of life by refusing vaccination because you accepted fraudulent answers.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 06:26:21 +0000

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