Okay, so let me get this straight once again. Bigfoot/Sasquatch - TopicsExpress


Okay, so let me get this straight once again. Bigfoot/Sasquatch has been confirmed as being a real living creature, and not only that but their DNA is a close enough match to YOU and I to urge the Federal Government to consider them another form of human being and anyone that kills one will be tried as a murderer in a Federal court of Law. Andy Kaufman may or may not be alive. Just about every government on the face of this planet [ours now included] has been slowly disclosing to its citizens that there ARE little green men as well as at least 50 plus more species of bi-pedal humanoid that have been visiting our Earth for thousands of years. The first full functioning Bionic man has been recently revealed. Artificial Intelligence is on the rise thanks to the nice folks at Cyberdine Industries [yes the same ones responsible for the rise of the machines from the fictional Terminator movies] Genetically Modified Organisms/Humans, {Homo-Superior just like Kahn from Star Trek} 30 of them born in the last five years in various undisclosed places around the globe. Weve had cloning technology since the late 90s. Science fiction is every day that goes by, quickly becoming science fact. Weather Phenomena and World Events are spot on down to the very last detail with Edgar Cayces prophecies/predictions [whatever you want to call them] from the early 1900s. Havent heard of the man? Check him out. Hes as close as well ever get to a real life Professor Xavier. All of this and SO much more in the last decade has come to light and youre too busy complaining on FB how unhappy you are because you got a little case of the winter time blues. Its called S.A.D. seasonal affective disorder. Go out buy some Vitamin D. Take 1,000 milligrams daily with some fresh squeezed orange juice. Lay off the processed fast food with all of its steroids for a while. Sit down and let it sink in to that head of yours that YOU are living in very very strange and exciting times and thats NOT something to fear as much as it is something to prepare for. You are not machine men, with machine minds! You are a person, and its okay to let that person WONDER, DREAM, BE CHILDISH AND PLAY FROM TIME TO TIME, STAND IN AWE of the Creation around them. Dont ever let THEM tell you what to be, what to think, what to say, what to feel. Dont ever let another person define you, control you, make you feel less for believing in something. What one person believes is no stranger than what the next one believes. Even Professor Hawking with all his magnificent intelligence truthfully doesnt have anymore of a clue than anyone else as to whats really out there, where we came from, or where were going to end up. Its a beautiful BRAND NEW DAY, SMILE MORE, DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY PAY IT FORWARD!!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 02:07:57 +0000

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