Okay so my number was 7... 1) In high school I always thought - TopicsExpress


Okay so my number was 7... 1) In high school I always thought that I was an extrovert. I have discovered over the past year and a half that I am actually an introvert! WOAH. 2) I have only been grounded once in my life...and it was because I tied my dogs leash to an outdoor grill, while my cousin and I rolled down the hill in my grandmothers backyard. My puppy got all muddy which is why I got in trouble. The groundation period (which is a thing) never really ended, but also never really had any consequences... 3) I was a HUGE fan of Corbin Bleu back in middle school. Im pretty sure I cried at his concert when he played at Darien Lake a while back. sorrynotsorry (Not gonna lie...he still looks FANTASTIC...but I liked his bushy hair from back in the day) 4) I re-read a letter that I wrote to my future self in high school (freshman self to senior self). Freshman self asked Senior self about what I was going to do for the rest of my/her life, and recommended that I go college to become a vet...so naturally, Im studying international business. 5) Throughout middle school and high school I have always loved writing for class...but I never thought that I was good at it. In middle school, I submitted a short story to some competition, and I got on honorable mention for it. Today, of course, I cant find that story. ANYWHERE. I was really proud of it, too! 6) I have been told that I have a good speaking voice...and that I also speak English very well (by my Spanish speaking professor, who then had to translate what I said to the class) 7) In 7th grade, my mom helped me with a school project that had to be based on the book Fever 1793 (which now I cant recall at all). Instead of just using a single box to present a single scene from the book, we purchased a polly pocket knock off doll house that had four rooms to depict four scenes from the book. When I turned it in, my teacher offered to pay for it. Mom and I declined her offer...and as far as I know, the project is still sitting up in the attic of Lancaster Middle School as that teacher has since retired. Ironically enough, the author of that book came to our school to sign books...but I couldnt go to the book signing because I had popped my knee cap out. Again. Shocker. If you got to the end of this in one piece, like my status and Ill give you a number so that you too can relive your childhood... Or give the internets any facts that you want random people to know. :)
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 14:59:16 +0000

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