Okay some advice for anyone so bored as to think its okay to play - TopicsExpress


Okay some advice for anyone so bored as to think its okay to play this so called game There are things you can do that are positive, this game doesnt pay you anything but can lead to you becoming a convicted criminal to one degree or another. So if you just so happen to be bored enough to not know what to do with your self, here are some suggestions, 1. Help your parents and siblings with any and all household chores inside and outside of the house. 2. If your family is fortunate enough to own a vechical, help keep it clean. 3. If you live in a city in apartments keep your block clean, sweep the stairs, halls and side walks, pick up trash. 4. If you live in a neighborhood with trees rake leaves up when they fall, cut grass when it needs cutting, plant and tend gardens. 5. Volunteer at the library for summer reading programs *read books to groups of kids, put on puppet shows, *hint the libraries generally have books that tell how to make puppets even puppet plays. 6. If you have any pets take care of them, if you dont have any offer to help your neighbors walk dogs, or clean barn stalls if you live in an area where there are stables. 7. Exercise, 8. Read, if you dont have books or a computer go find your local library and borrow books and read, you can find books on nearly every subject imaginable. You can even borrow movies at some libraries and music cds. 9. Find a part-time job if there is one available, if there isnt look for something positive to do. Find someone to help. 10. Volunteer at the homeless shelters, at soup kitchens, at crisis pregnancy centers. Look for something productive and positive to do. This so called game leads to nothing but trouble, and heartache. And if you happen to manage to actually kill someone with this game guess what? Depending on your state you either get to go to prison or you can get the death penalty which leads to this question do you really know for positive sure where youll be spending eternity? You do realize that you are definitely going to live forever somewhere. And the choice as to where is up to no one other than yourself. No one makes the choice for you, you either chose Heaven or you choose Hell. Itd be wise to choose correctly because you dont get a second chance after you die. Also remember no matter where you go, you will get to give an account for yourself to God one day, Do you really want to tell God, oh I was bored so I decided Id just go knock out some unsuspecting person at random. You know I couldnt find anything to do so hitting people seemed like a great idea. And you know that Gods not going to buy that, because there is plenty to do if you look around, granted some things are less appealing jobs than others but someones got to be willing to unstop the toilet when it overflows for everyones peace of mind not to mention health. Going to visit people who would have no company otherwise and being polite is always positive, especially for people who are unable to get out and would enjoy having company from time to time. Helping someone overwhelmed with household chores or yardwork is positive. Making nice gifts for people is a way to combat boredom, and you dont have to spend a lot to do that, just start looking online for various projects, or go to a library and check out craft books or better go visit a nursing home and have someone there tell you about the things they used to make. I could go on and on, but suffice it to say this so called game is absolutely nothing but pure ignorance, and will lead to nothing but trouble and heartache. And it is a disgrace to every single participant. And it does make a reflection youll not be proud of, and one youd not want your grandchildren participating in or want your grandparents to be a victim of. Or baby sisters or baby brothers or anyone close to you. Also this boy who was shot, the article says that one bullet barely missed hitting his spine. If youd like to know what being paralyzed entails, lets just say you will no longer have any privacy and until you bladder and bowels are completely trained by alternate methods you will be back in diapers, and if youve a high level injury you may never get out of diapers, you may even end up having to use whats called a sip and puff wheel chair, the ones who have to use those are completely and totally dependent on a caregiver, and many young people are being placed in nursing homes made for older people because it can become very hard to care for someone twenty four hours a day who is paralyzed from the neck down, also caregivers can die leaving you with few options, you can very well end up someplace you dont want to be. Ive been reading about this game for the past few days, and its just sickening, and it is an absolute disgrace and evidence of lack of morals.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 01:37:56 +0000

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