Okay sooo youre currently sleeping and like I said o have a lot of - TopicsExpress


Okay sooo youre currently sleeping and like I said o have a lot of making up to do because when people see this theyll see how many paras you have written me omg. They are always so perfect. Throwback to when you told me that I will wake up to them all the time Okay so Im not going to make this very long but I know youre scared and i am too. We both get overly protective and jealous we both are afraid of losing each other. I never had. I never had someone get jealous. I never had someone who was afraid of losing me. I never had someone who is tried so hard to keep. You do so much stuff that Ive never had fine before. You treat me so differently and its honestly perfect. I know we fight sometimes because of our jealousy but we always fix it. Im glad you never leave when things get rough Im not used to people staying. Im used to people leaving. I hope you never leave me. I really do. I want you to know you have nothing to worry about. You dont have to worry about losing me. I know that you get really scared and worried. I know you feel like you will mess up but nothing you do or say will make me leave or change the way I feel. Youre so used to people leaving and so am I. Youre used to people saying stuff and not meaning it but I mean every word I say. I will never find better because Ive never had a relationship like this before. I wouldnt trade you or our relationship for the world. Everything about you is perfect. I love that you constantly send me selfies. Your face is so perfect like please kiss me. You may think youre not perfect but to me you are. I love the sound of your voice. I love falling asleep to your voice when we do. I love our convos. I love the weirdness. I love the laughs. I love everything. Im so glad I get to call you mine. Its going to stay that way too. Im so glad we met a few months ago. Youve been waiting to call me yours for so long and I cant believe you waited this long. I hope you star for a very long time I love you. Stay perfect ☺️ Ps: since youre sleeping Im going back to bed but youll see this in the morning so good morning perfect
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:23:27 +0000

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