Okay, sorry this will be long but apparently its a number game and - TopicsExpress


Okay, sorry this will be long but apparently its a number game and because I liked 2 friends post I got 2 different numbers. 7 from Sandra Lee Bujak and 10 (thank you for that) Tonja Starchild Routier. So I will list 17 things you dont know about me. I guess that means I cant tell you how amazing my husband is or how much I love him, or how amazing all 6 of my babies are because you all SHOULD already know that. So here are 17 things you DONT know about me. 1. I sing in the shower(horribly bad but I do, religiously every time). 2. I hate taking a bath, the thought of sitting in dirty water just freaks me out so I always shower. 3. Im allergic to ERA laundry soap and break out in hives. 4. Im allergic to Codeine/Tylenol 3 (my throat closes). 5. I have every letter from my friends in Middle School to High School. (yes Tonya, Ciji Vernell, Josh N Alicia DeLuca, Sara Halloran, Sarah Long, Marcella Page Teal Elizabeth Jarvis -this means I have proof of how CORNY you were in grade/high school and who you thought was SO CUTE!! LOL!-Love you) 6. I love rain and ofter have the urge to dance in it. 7. I have 11 brothers and sisters. 8. My favorite movie character is Bambi. 9. Favorite actress is Julia Roberts/ actor: Robert DeNiro 10. I love to do Puzzles (for Christmas every year my amazing Grandmother Beverly would send me one up until she passed away in 2008. My FAVORITE childhood memory). 11. I have to sleep with a fan on (A box fan on #3) 12. I hate being upset with people that I get sick to my stomach and even worse when i know someones upset with me. I am a people pleasure to the core. 13. I cannot go a day without my toe nails painted, and if they are chipped they have to be re-done. This girl has to have perfect toes. 14. I am a sweats/pajamas type of girl. I LOVE comfy pants. When i die I want to be buried in sweats pants and a comfy t-shirt-no lie! 15. My favorite color is green, but I hate to wear it. 16. I love old books, especially on rainy days. I hate reading on electronics like the Kindle and what not. 17. And last but no least- I am a very forgiving person who hates holding grudges. Okay, so heres the deal. LIKE this status and I will reply with a number for you to do the same. HUGS!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 02:53:01 +0000

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