Okay that was mine nummerology on name and birthdate! =) Free - TopicsExpress


Okay that was mine nummerology on name and birthdate! =) Free Numerology Reading This reading is based on — Birth Name: cecilie louise morken Birth Date: 11/2/1983 (November 2, 1983) Your Inner or Souls Urge: This is spiritual and emotional expression more than physical. It is your heart-felt desires, your incentive, how you look at life. Here are your areas of personal satisfaction. Number: 8 You desire big affairs and the power to handle them, with success in all material matters. You love organization, construction, finance, and the huge operations of the commercial world. Happiness, for you, is doing things in a big way, getting results. You are generous, large-minded, powerful, and dependable; a natural executive. You have courage and poise, with the vision, strength, efficiency, excellent judgment, stamina, and determination to succeed. When struggling against opposition you are confident of victory. Your ability to see the true potential in others may make you seem dominant and exacting; but you never spare yourself, either. You are a power for good. However, if you seek money and control purely for selfish reasons, they will tend to elude you. For more success and better control, cultivate justice and toleration for the weaker and less efficient. Your Personality: This is physical expression more than spiritual or emotional; your outer self, the way you express when meeting others. It may or may not be the real you. Number: 6 Your thoughts are often on others and their needs, especially those close to you, and this is observed through your projected personality. You are seen as one who is responsible, in service to others, and trying to establish emotional harmony. Sometimes you are seen as a fatherly or motherly type. It is observed that you are capable of deep affection and sacrifice. When meeting new people, you tend to be either suspicious or gullible, sometimes switching between the two in succession. When threatened emotionally, you can be seen as defending yourself to near irrationality. You enjoy good clothes of good material, and like to be comfortably dressed. To enhance this personality, you should always be well-dressed and give thought to the way you look, rather than giving it the lack of importance or carelessness as is your tendency. Your Quiescent Self: Stripping away all outside influences, aspirations, ambitions, shoulds, and shouldnts -- this is you when you are alone; just you and your dreams. Number: 6 Your family adores you; not only for the beautiful, artistic home you create for them, but also for the responsibility you assume for keeping perfect order. There are flowers in your garden, and music and artistic works are around you. You are known for your hospitality. Your thoughts and pleasure are yourself as the comforter to all, and the adjuster of inequities. Your Destiny or Ultimate Goal: This is your desired lifetime accomplishment. It is a key to a useful and happy life, and to feeling fulfillment during your latter days. Number: 5 Your destiny is to promote the idea of liberty for all; knowing that happiness cannot last without the right to be free. You know progress comes through change, by entertaining new ideas and trying new methods. Your destiny includes helping people live life more fully and with more joy. You are versatile and clever. You are comfortable interacting with people of diverse races and backgrounds, a natural lecturer or teacher, an artist with written and spoken words, and capable of understanding many different viewpoints. You insist on having freedom of action and speech. Your life changes often, sometimes unpredictably, and you enjoy it because each change brings new opportunities to understand and absorb yet more aspects of life. You love travel and the open spaces, and you have the best opportunities to succeed in occupations that have those qualities and also bring you in contact with people, including sales, acting, speaking, teaching, commercial artist, legal fields, or as a writer or editor. You are striking, attention getting, entertaining, and find it easier to move about than to make permanent associations with people or undertakings. Your Lifes Path: Here are clues to what fate has in store for you. It indicates the type of encounters, events, and opportunities you are likely to experience along your physical life path. Number: 7 Your path is along the lines of research, investigation and mental analysis. This includes meditation and introspection. Your opportunities will often be brought to you without having to go get them. The manifestation of those opportunities tend to have something in common with quiet places away from bustle and confusion. You work well with theories and fundamentals, seeking wisdom and hidden truths. When you use your own ideas and judgment, dedication, and scientific attitude, along with your intuition, your decisions will enable you to reach your goals. You can be alone without feeling lonely. You respect intelligence and are continuously accumulating knowledge for yourself. You have an intense reasoning capacity. Others will perceive you as having more warmth and less aloofness when you balance your knowledge and its pursuit with compassion and human sensitivity. That combination inspires wisdom. This Years Path: Here is what you are likely to encounter this year -- your feelings, your predominant perspective, and the type of situations, circumstances, and opportunities you tend to attract during the calendar year. Number: 11 Harmonious associations are very important for you this year. The years success and good results will be obtained through diplomacy, cooperation, tactfulness, good relationships, and, especially, personal introspection. It is a year for receiving and sharing rather than aggressively pursuing your own way. Your intuition and emotions are enhanced this year. It is a busy year, with endless demands on your time. It is easier to work with others rather than doing things by yourself. Your plans and developments may experience periods of delay. No need to worry about that. Things seem to move slower this year. The year can revitalize your peace of mind. It is a good time to strengthen your friendships. A heightened religious, mystical, and psychic awareness can bring you to a position of influence. This is the year your ideals of a personal, inner nature become visible even to others. It is a busy year. Next Years Path. Number: 3 This is the year to express your inspiration, your imagination, your creative thought, and your deep emotional feelings. You desire to do more entertaining this year and accept more invitations. Take time off to enjoy yourself. You can give color and warmth to all levels of living. Be artistic. Express yourself joyfully. Now is the time to follow those inspirational and imaginative ideas you are so excited about. Follow your desire for self-improvement; the year is rich with opportunities for inner growth. It is a colorful and eventful year, with pleasure, opportunities for travel, enjoyable social activities, and entertainment coming your way. Allow your abundance of cheer and optimism to guide you. Last Years Path. Number: 1 More so than usual, you feel desire to move forward, to improve situations, to assert your individuality, and to get on with life. Reach for opportunities and they will come to you. Life is beginning anew! Now is the time to put your best foot forward; to take up a hobby or other activity that will freshen your thinking and broaden your general activities; to look ahead. This is an active year with many decisions to make. Your affairs are making a new start. The next nine years experience will depend a great deal on what you do and dont do this year. It calls for strength of purpose, clear thinking, and listening to your inner voice.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 23:04:30 +0000

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