Okay,there is a problem ! Ive already came to a conclusions about - TopicsExpress


Okay,there is a problem ! Ive already came to a conclusions about the Ideal, that a Woman was made from a Mans rib. (LMAO) I know, the nerve I have right. Well something is truly not right about this whole concept. And it starts in this story about creations. Did you know that there is another story as well. And again at the fore front, its a man who comes up with this story, yet the lines within his story have some what similarities, part and even more bizarre, than what we have today. Now incest is a bad word too many, despicable,wrong, and some, right. It is written about (incest) in the book of LEVITICUS, as well as in other parts of the bible. Now if God only made Adam and Eve, which is stated in the Bible,or if in fact we are a product of evolution, in either sense you still have a problem. Race ! I dont care how far removed we are from the beginning. When it comes to DNA many strains, But ! still tied too Adam and Eve, or more conclusive The Matriarch, who has produced her link to Her existence since the beginning of Humanity. I would truly like for someone to refute this, But I kind of figure that you wont, because its quite obvious with this ideal that everybody believes, so there fore everybody cant be wrong. While you maintain this stance, I want you to remember how you got that Ideal in the first place. Im pulling at that string, and I will continue to pull that string, until it unravels. You know as we live and learn through out our existence, within the essence of our thoughts, there is always that tug,when it realizes that things just dont add up. What keeps you in place, is the Ideal that you cant question the creation clause. Books have been written to either help you or hurt you. Yet it all comes down to the intention of the writer. Another Honorable mention to the book, when things fall apart if you think it was just about that village, think again. It is about the whole of society and what happens when,what you believe comes apart. If you had to bet, which Ideal do you think will survive centuries to come. Will it be God or Evolution. Science does not lie, but man will, and has. I keep hearing about these great societies, yet they are dysfunctional,whats so great about that. In your quest to be at the top your greed which goes through out from the bottom to the top,will be your un-doing. Because before long as the Earths life ebbs out from your destructive ways, the so called,providing the youth a future will be quite beak, with no resources or Earth to speak of. Doomed
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 14:45:42 +0000

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