Okay, this made me cry.. because if I ever took the time to talk - TopicsExpress


Okay, this made me cry.. because if I ever took the time to talk about myself, you would know that this is exactly how I feel, and this is why I dont like talking about why Ive changed. Im not proud of who I was, and I regret all of the time I wasted.. sitting there, in self pity. Upset about things that I could have fixed, I was upset.. and not only was I upset. I was the REASON I was upset, not my physical self.. but it was my view on life, how I chose to spend those days when I could have been happy. Constantly dwelling on everything wrong in your life is no way to spend your precious time. You really do only have one life, and you werent given that gift to throw it away, and you certainly werent given it to be unhappy. Most of the times, its OURSELVES that make us unhappy. Not the way you view yourselves, but the way we chose to live.. Im glad that one day I woke up, what hurts is that there are people who never will. Im not proud of who I was, but Im glad Im not who I used to be. To me this is a big thing, something youll never understand because youre not me.. xD But I was everything I now hate, I was miserable. And I was the one who did it, I cant stress that enough.. you guys need to realize that if you stop always focusing on everything thats wrong and start focusing on what makes you happy, youll be so much better off. I honestly dont expect anyone to read this, and even if you do you probably wont take it to heart.. but I hope some of you do, because you need to make the choice to be happy. Its not boyfriends or things that make you happy, its all up to you. No matter where you are in life, the experiences, the people, the things.. it wont effect you if you dont let. No one but you is ultimately in charge of your happiness, and if you let one bad day blind you from something good that probably happened in it.. then you will have let yourself be unhappy. Sure, friends can cheer you up.. but only if you really let them. Do you understand what Im saying? Its all up to you, and its about time some of you realized this.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:50:55 +0000

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