Okay, took a breather from Ariels Song to type up the following - TopicsExpress


Okay, took a breather from Ariels Song to type up the following right quick. Its very rough, but this will give anyone reading it an idea of what Im thinking of launching. Its both a comedy spoof and a terrorizing tale in one. I need to know if you think its worth pursuing or not, because this is going to be huge. Please read and comment if you have some time: STARLIGHT STAR BRIGHT INCURSION By Charles E. Buchanan PROLOGUE Jackie stood in the center of her back yard carefully scanning the sky. She had a wish to make, and she just had to see the first star so it would come true. Her father was deployed in the Middle East and she missed him terribly. It had been months since he was last home on leave. The wish she was going to make was obvious. She wanted her daddy back. Slowly turning left and right she carefully watched the eastern sky where it was getting the darkest fastest. But, it wasn’t to the east that her eyes were suddenly drawn. High above her head a brilliant point of light suddenly appeared in the sky. Clapping her hands together, she recited, “Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” As if on cue, the light vanished and she gasped sadly. Then tears leaking from her eyes, she whimpered, “The star didn’t even let me make my wish.” Crying, she went back inside her home to tell her mother. CHAPTER ONE A few minutes before Jackie made her aborted attempt to make a wish, an event occurred just outside the gravitational field of Jupiter. A blazing field of light over a hundred miles wide flared brightly for just a few seconds. In its center a hole opened to somewhere far away. A ship slid through the gap just an instant before the light went out and the hole closed. The Daetor (captain) leaped from his command chair. “By Ricah’s ass, that’s cutting it close, Icon (midshipman)!” “My apologies, Daetor, but you did say to lock on to the largest planetary mass.” “I said lock on it, not fly right up its ass, you…” A sudden alarm cut off his curse. Turning to his first officer, he demanded, “What now, Tek (first)?” “Sensors have picked up alien technology, Daetor. Locking on now.” “Put it on visual.” A large image appeared in the air in front of the Daetor. The first officer began to recite his data. “It appears to be a primitive form of exploratory craft for gathering data. There are no life forms on board. Its size alone would preclude that, for we have encountered no race anywhere small enough to pilot this craft.” “Very good, Tek, however, do not let size mislead you. Just because we haven’t encountered one yet, does not mean an intelligent species of miniscule size is not out here somewhere.” “Understood, Daetor, and I agree.” What passed for a smile on his unusual face appeared briefly, then the Tek chided playfully, “I do not believe Empress Ricah would be happy with you mentioning her ass as you so often do.” “I trust you won’t mention it to her. I understand she has a temper and might have you killed out of hand before making up her mind to get around to me.” “Yes, so I would surmise myself. Your curses are safe with me, Daetor.” The Daetor smile his own version of a smile and ordered, “Summon the Criton (scout). Icon, scan this system and locate the source of those transmissions we monitored.” “Yes, Daetor.” A few moments later he said, “I have located the source of the transmissions. They are coming from the third planetary body from this systems primary. Scans indicate it is a water rich world fully capable of supporting life as we know it.” “Excellent. Atmospheric readings, please?” “Coming in now, Daetor. Breathable atmosphere…some contamination due to fossil fuels and traces of nuclear elements. It is safe to say they have reached the level of nuclear technology.” “Hmm. An excellent addition to the empire. The Criton will have to investigate this closely and give us the necessary data for transmission to homeworld.” Moments later the individual in question arrived on the bridge and saluted his superior officers. “Criton Savora reporting as ordered, Daetor.” “Standard operating procedure, Criton. You will land in a primitive area, assess the situation and initiate standard incursion protocol.” “Understood, Daetor.” Giving another salute, the Criton left the bridge. “Uh, Daetor, if I may?” “Yes, Icon?” “The exploratory craft, sir. No doubt it has noticed us by now.” “Destroy it.” The Icon swiveled back around to his controls and pushed a button, then another. “Target locked…target destroyed.” “Very good. Put us into orbit around this planet’s largest moon, then put the ship on phase two alert and engage the cloaking shield until we are sure of the level of technology this species possesses. They obviously have rudimentary space travel, as the probe you destroyed would indicate. We need to know if they can detect us.” The Tek offered, “The Criton will have that information quickly enough, I am sure.” “Very well. I will be in my quarters. Summon me if there is a need.” The crew stood at attention as their Daetor left the bridge. Moments afterwards, a scout ship detached from the under-hull and shot away toward the third planet from the system’s star. A short time after that the ship settled into orbit around a very large moon and abruptly vanished from all forms of detection known to the Tirillian Empire at that time.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 01:09:48 +0000

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