Okay, we are getting quite a few questions about Mommy and Oliver: - TopicsExpress


Okay, we are getting quite a few questions about Mommy and Oliver: I will answer them all with our experience. The truth is, we would be guessing about her past history. Before us, did she get the proper care and nutrition? She wouldnt be here if she did. here, she got the best of everything for her and her babies. Could that have been too late? Maybe, maybe not, 5 big girls survived and are strong and thriving. Oliver was only half the size of the other pups. He struggled from the start. His breathing was slow and at times seemed long in between his next breath. With my homemade oxygen flow, he would take a breath with every breath of mine. When I stopped, he stopped. Clearing his throat and nose from any fluids just in case. over an hour of stimulation with me and Ruby. Ruby would lick him and then push him out. He showed no interest in nursing and I would say he put up a good fight if that were true, but sadly, he didnt try to fight to live. He went peacefully and I still fought for him. This is the first time in all our experience that we witnessed nature in its rawest moment. Mommy wouldnt fight for him unless I got him to cry a little, even that was weak. Ruby would then perk up but as soon as I laid him down with her, she pushed him aside. I picked him back up and started over to try and get him to breathe but he just didnt have the strength to survive. Knowing, if I drove him to the vet, he would have passed on the way and taken more time away from him, I dont feel they could have done anything for him, not even if he was born there. This is the first time Ive ever felt this way. Today we experienced something we all hope to not experience or witness in our lifetime. Regardless of how hard we try, we will lose some. This is the hardest thing to accept when life was once in your hands. When your partner/spouse has to tell you more than once, baby, hes gone and you are still fighting for him. I guess in life, this holds true to any living being. When we fight, who are we really fighting for? This is the first time I had closure over life and death. Maybe Oliver was here to teach me how to let go? Maybe, But it still hurts down to the bone!! So to answer the questions of the past, it doesnt matter. We cant change the past, we can only try and make the present and future better for everyone. Ruby and her little gals will have a much better future than they had in the past now.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 20:36:51 +0000

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