Okay with July around the corner let’s say it’s time to do - TopicsExpress


Okay with July around the corner let’s say it’s time to do some American art. We certainly know how successful creating “art” tainted with a Caucasian influence will fly, as like if ever some snappy Suomalainen Santa-blend with Finnish elves “all about” will ever hang in the White House ...so with that said (and, metaphorically speaking) let’s use my $90,000 college education to come up with something: I’m guessing, of course, in a round about way the next president will be of Mexican descent (at least eventually) based on the close association they have to the country along with other attributes... Let’s now for a quick example examine the current president Obama, meaning in a cartoon way, what does Obama conjure up in the minds eye: a country built on the backs of slaves, he’s kinda like an Uncle Tom type of thing, you know, certainly not a rapper gutter type of guy, meaning he represents being affluent; he hails from a Hawaiian background, if that really counts for anything remains to be seen; but I guess for now at least for coming up with a cartoon we have something to work with, we’re not dealing in rocket science here, right? So how to display the Mexican? Affluent for sure, meaning nothing that would in the cartoon-world display weakness, ignorance poverty (which could be a variety of stereotypes), also pushing a current popular trendy persona; gay, marijuana, west coast liberal feel, I say like Washington State - validating the Mexican foundation of America, The Alamo, Cowboy, warm weather, and perhaps a display of strength in numbers, like all the illegal’s are ready, willing and able to fight for what’s right, aka: America... The trick is - we don’t wanna blatantly put the Mexican sitting in a White House setting, why? Because we wanna use a Decoy Effect - surround him with patriotic elements that will “eventually” lead him to the White House, start painting a good light around the idea of a Mexican as president... You see this is why I received an advance, sophisticated advertising training education, to apply this deception, this advertising campaign that will eventually lead to something, in essence, a Decoy Effect - to acclimate the idea of a Mexican being in line for the presidency - at least for the near future, one full of diversity, the American way. So I’m thinking: some kind of psychedelic pattern on clothing, vest, pants, shirt whatever - for the setting or background we want green woods with a suggestion of prairie - let’s have a horse, while we’re looking up at the Mexican with Cowboy trappings - broad smile of course, with strong Mexican facial features; I say roping some kind American goal with his lasso; American flag on that big Mexican hat they wear, throw in business like elements to show that it’s not just all living in the outdoors, grass roots type of thing, that he has both feet in corporate America and the down to earth vote. Then we have the caption that say’s something to work on… So far we have a pretty good handle on things - nothing needs to be done over night, the Fourth of July is still well off, I say we take some time and gather our thoughts for my Suomalainen American work of “art” of course leaving me and my culture out of the picture; like if I were living in England, I would be thinking of how to put a Mexican in a royal suit of armor.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 09:51:07 +0000

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