Okayy so this is the harry imagine : I was in the kitchen making - TopicsExpress


Okayy so this is the harry imagine : I was in the kitchen making dinner, when somebody suddenly hugged me from behind, leaving wet kisses on my back. I turned around to face Harry, my boyfriend of 5 months.“I just finished packing.” he said before he pecked my lips and smiled at me.“I’m gonna miss you.” I said, commiserate at the thought of him being away from home for three months because of the Take Me Home Tour in America.“Me too, but there’s no time to be sad tonight, I thought of a few other things…”he answered cheekily.“Tell me more.” I said, standing right in front of him, my arms still around his neck, as my lips touched his while I spoke. Even though I already know what he was talking about.“Jump.” he whispered. I jumped slightly, wrapping my legs around his waist, as he carried me to our room, while his lips never left mine. Only a few minutes later we were already lying in bed only in our underwear. Harry unhooked my bra, but I suddenly became insecure. It’s not like he never saw me naked before, I just wasn’t happy with my body at all. Even though he tells me that they’re perfect all time and that I don’t have a single reason to be insecure, I still am. There’re always a few disrespectful and ignorant fans on twitter who can’t desist from calling me names and tell me that I’m not pretty. That’s one of the reasons I started cutting. Harry doesn’t know, I can’t tell him. Maybe in a few years, when I’m over it, but till then I’m still making sure that the scars on my wrists are covered with bracelets. Meanwhile Harry stopped taking of my bra, when he realized how I felt. He cupped my jaw and brought my face closer to his.“Babe, you know that you’re the most beautiful girl to me and that I don’t care what others say or think.” he said and pressed his lips against mine.“Do you want me to stop?”I didn’t answer, I just kissed him passionately and I could feel that he was smiling into the kiss. He pulled my bra straps down my arms slowly and placed a kiss on my palm. Just then he saw what I was hiding for so long.“(Y/N), why.” he whispered look me straight in the eyes.“Don’t, please Harry…” I said as my eyes started to water and a lonely tear sneak its way down my cheek.“Hun, just tell me why. I wanna help you.”I couldn’t say anything and I didn’t want to cry, but all I could do was crying harder.“(Y/N), please talk to me. It hurts me to know that you’re doing this to yourself.”I could see that he teared up as well.“It’s not your fault Harry, really. But to know that I’ll be alone for the next three months is killing me…” He put his arms around my shoulder, pulled me closer to his chest and massaged small circles into my shoulder.“I’m so sorry hun… I know that it won’t be easy. But we’ll make it, okay? We’ll find a way. We’ll make it (Y/N), I promise.” he said, while whipping the tears on my cheek. We laid there for what seemed like forever. Not a word was spoken, but it wasn’t awkward at all, Harry just caressed me, told me that he’ll be there for me and kissed my forehead every now and then to calm me down, till I finally fall asleep.The next morning I woke up to a tickle on my right wrist. I looked down sleepy as I saw Harry drawing something right on the place, where my cuts are.“Good morning sleepyhead.” Harry said and kissed my nose.“What is this for?”“Make sure, that you’ll draw a heart right there every day, or let someone draw it, which is even better. And if you’ll ever just think about cutting, you’ll see that heart. My heart… And if you want to cut yourself, you have to break that heart. My heart… Please promise me to stop, even when I’m not here.” He begged and looked me right in the eyes.I was on the verge of tears again, so I just nodded before I found my voice again.“I’ll try my best. Thank you Harry, you’re the best boyfriend I could have asked for.”I cupped his jaw and gave him a sweet kiss on his lips.“I love you (Y/N).”“I love you too Harry.”*3 months later*Finally, 3 months were over. Today’s the day Harry will come back. I woke up early in the morning and couldn’t sleep anymore, so I spend the whole day watching TV, when I suddenly got a text from Harry saying:“I’ll be back earlier. Can’t wait to see you again, love. We made it! xx”And he was right, the three months weren’t easy, but we made it. I drove off from my daydream in a real sleep. But the sound of our doorbell woke me up two hours later. I instantly jumped up and couldn’t stop grinning by the thought of having Harry back in just a few moments.But when I opened the door there was no sight of Harry. In front of me stood Louis, with red puffy eyes and a lonely tears made it’s way down his cheek.“Lou, you’re okay? What happened?”“Hun, promise me to stay strong, yeah?”“Please tell me Harry’s fine!” he couldn’t even look me straight in the eyes.“Louis talk to me!” I shouted“He had an accident on the way to yours. I’m so sorry.”“I- Is… Is he..?”“The doctors said there’s no chance that he’ll survive the night.”“No, It’s just a bad joke, right? You’re always joking Lou! This isn’t true, isn’t it?” I was still shouting at him, shaking my head in disbelief and slamming my clenched fists against his chest. This couldn’t be happening. He’s lying.“It is (Y/N), even though I wish it wasn’t.” He said, taking my fists in his hands easily and pulling me into a hug.“Come on hun, I’ll drive you to the hospital.”Minutes later I found myself sitting at Harrys bedside. Louis was standing right behind me, waiting for Harry to wake up. But there he was lying with scars and scratches all over his face, eyes shut, still looking like an angel … but asleep. I wasn’t crying anymore. I cried the whole last hour; it was like there weren’t even anymore tears.But then Harry opened his eyes slowly and smiled through the pain when, his eyes met mine.“Hello beautiful.” Was all he said. And it was all he needed to say to make me start crying again.“Stop crying love, you know that I can’t see you crying, especially when you’re crying because of me.”How could he be so calm? He took my hand my hand and caressed my wrist.“You stopped.” It was barely a whisper, but it felt so good to hear his voice after such a long time, even though I know that I wouldn’t hear this voice for an even longer time…“I promised it, right?”“Can you promise me something else?” he whispered.“Anything.”“Lou can you please bring me a pen or something?” he asked his best friend.“Sure mate, I’ll be right back.” Louis said as he left the room.“Please promise me, that you won’t cut in the future, yeah?”“I don’t even know how to live in the future without you Harry. I’m just gonna miss you so much.” I said through tears.“I’m sorry, it’s all my fault again. I’m the one leaving you alone again.” He said. At this time he started crying too. Not hysterically like me when I found out what happened… but he was angry at himself. But it wasn’t his fault. I was happy that Louis came pack just in time to tell him that.“It’s not your fault that that the truck crashed into you, Harry.” he said while handing him the pen.Nobody spoke for a while, when Harry started drawing a heart on my wrist like he did three months ago.“It will break my heart remember?” he asked rhetorical with teary eyes.Before I could have said anything the door flung open, some doctors came in and one of them began to speak:“I’m sorry to disturb you, but we thought that we should tell you that the time has come. I’m sorry.”“Thank you, but please just give us a few more minutes alone, okay?” Louis asked friendly as they nodded and left the room. Nobody of us really knew what to say, so Harry rose to speak:“You heard it… Lou come here, tell Zayn, Niall and Liam that I’ll miss them and that you four are the best brothers I could have asked for. The last 2 years with you four were the best I had, don’t ever forget me. Promise me to make our fans proud, tell them I love them and that I’m sorry that I didn’t had the change to meet every single one of them, yeah? And take care of (Y/N), she’ll need you.” He said while hugging him. It was heartbreaking, none of them wanted to let go and tears escaped from both of their eyes knowing that theywon’t ever get the chance to go on tour again, stand on stage singing with their three other brothers, playing silly games, watching X Factor, or just sit around talking… live the amazing live they had, ever again. But it was time to let go.“I will, mate. Thanks for everything. You’ll be missed.”Louis hugged him tightly for the last time ever. Then Harry turned to me.“I don’t even know what to say, love. All I can do is thank you for everything. You’re truly the best girlfriend I could have asked for. I’m sorry for all the things we can’t do in our future. But I know that you’ll find someone who’s there for you all the time, someone you’ll spend the rest of your life with. I love you (Y/N). I really do.”I didn’t know what to do or what to say. His breaths got heavier and my heart broke into pieces, seeing how hard it was for him, to open his eyes after he closed them. But he fought.“I love you.” Was all I could manage to say before kissing him softly, afraid to hurt him.“I’ll miss you, (Y/N).” He said as he opened his eyes for the last time and closed them forever.*1 year later*I slowly opened the heavy gate and entered the burial ground. A lot has changed. I moved out of the house Harry and I used to live in, because everything reminded me of him. But I couldn’t get him out of my mind. Whenever I saw a mop of brown curls, I thought of him. Whenever one of Ed’s or John Mayer’s songs came on the radio, he was the first thing that flashed into my mind. But to be quite honest I didn’t even wanted to forget him… One year passed and I haven’t quite realized that he left. I still visited him nearly every day, sometimes with one of the boys. But today I went alone…I finally arrived at the black stone with the words “Harry Styles - Gone, but not forgotten” on it. I kneeled down in front of the grave and laid the flowers I got for him down. My mouth was dry and I started crying.“I miss you Harry. I miss you so much. I know I promised you to stay strong and move on… But it isn’t as easy as it may sounds…” I whispered and looked down at my wrist.There it was, the heart Harry once drew. Three days after his death I still refused to shower, cause this tiny little heart which wasn’t perfect at all, was the only thing I had that Harry had left, and in my eyes it was perfect. So Louis brought me to a tattoo artist who made that heart last forever. And there it still was. Exactly like Harry drew it in the hospital…I opened my purse and searched for the box I packed in before I left and opened it. I mirrored myself in the razors which were in the box. I took them out and with a few quick but deep cuts I felt the relief. It hurt as soon as I saw that the perfect heart was drenched in blood. But I had just had to, I wanted to be with my Harry again.“I’m sorry that I broke my promise. But you have to understand Harry. In a few minutes I’ll be with you. You know.. maybe I have to break your heart to heal mine. But I’ll fix yours as soon as I’m with you again, I promise. I love you Harry.” Hope you liked it :)x ~princess chloe horan~ x
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 21:20:01 +0000

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