Okey Dokey......another misconception is that there is such a - TopicsExpress


Okey Dokey......another misconception is that there is such a thing as the miracle fix or guaranteed result. Let me be very, very clear: There is NO SUCH THING as a quick or easy transformation. And the miracle fixes that are on the market...while they may help stimulate or suppress, they are not the cure or the guarantee. Everything requires dedication, time, effort...and CONSISTENCY. Recently, someone inquired about my classes and about a program on dvd...I want to do these, but I want to lose 20 pounds....if you can guarantee me that...Ill sign up. Ok....all I can guarantee you IS THE guarantee that my classes or other programs DO, CAN, WILL work....according to you. There is no such thing as quick body transformation, you will NOT see crazy results after a week, after a month. And you certainly wont see crazy results if you are inconsistent, give half an effort....or if everything you do outside of classes or programs contradicts trying to get fit, as in what you eat, what you do etc. Again, like I said Friday.....trainers are not miracle workers! We are trained to guide, assist...modify. We cant guarantee anything if your effort and dedication are lacking, period! If it was easy, wed all look like Jillian Michaels or Tony Horton! What I can tell you, is that the results will be felt before seen...and that you can achieve the results you want...but it is only guaranteed according to YOUR effort and consistency. We see people on infomercials all the time who achieved insane results with the programs, but they gave it their all. They stuck with it, they maximized their efforts with every rep, every routine...they made conscious decisions beyond exercise, to help transform themselves. The success or lack of...is all on you, baby! We are just the guide. So, shatter that myth right now! There is no quick fix that wont backfire if you dont include fitness, there is no overnight or easy transformation. All that said, if you dig in and give it all youve got....results will be visible much sooner. But everything takes time...Rome wasnt built in a day, the body you want cannot be built in a week. If you want it, youll dig in and youll get it...and I have your back every rep of the way
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:34:12 +0000

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