Oladunjoye Machiavelli Ebenezer It saddens my heart to see all - TopicsExpress


Oladunjoye Machiavelli Ebenezer It saddens my heart to see all these saTANist Ambassadors in their bid to discredit #GenBuhari resolved to engage in cheap propaganda and character assassination, nevertheless we shall continue to sensitize and enlighten them becausejust like their principal #GEJ, they are also clueless. We know that their of argument is baseless and it cant hold water, it is pitiable to see some microscopic set of youth who claimed to be the leaders of tommorow pitch their tent the one and only advocate of stealing no corruption, not only that they sold their soul Devil they even vowed to follow him to any lenght, just because of material gain. Good news is that all of then will go on Holy pilgrimage to various prision in the country next year! They will visit Agodi because they opposed to change, they prefer the status quo, by supporting the corrupt politicians, it is sadonic! we wont miss them anyway. Any country that religate history to background is definately heading for destruction, we should endevour to study the past this would aid us to make better choice in the future . It is on this note I enjoin us examine what really transpired on the eve coup that ushered Gen Buhari as a military Head of State. Number one factor that led to military intervention was sheer misappropiation of public fund by Shehu Shagari government, Shagari regime was characterized with mis-use of public fund, soci-political crises between UPN and NPN. The election that brought Shagari in for 2nd term was marred with election mal-practice. As fore warned by Pa Awolowo, he predicted that Military might take over if the will of the people doesnt reflect i.e he warned against rigging. Also Shagari pursued the interest of the minority and improved the standard of living of some micro-scopic few that were loyal to him at the detriment of the generality of Nigerians. It should be noted that this period coincide with Oil Bumn not only that he mis-managed the proced of the sale of crude oil our debt rose to over $30b. Also import licence was given to selected few, I call them Cabal who belong to same political n party, this however led to outcry thus Nigerians clamoured for messiah that could stabilized the ailing economy, this by time coup was inevitable. For any action there must be a reaction intervened as a result of Shagari sheer mis-management of public funds, corruption and unprecendented economic hardship faced by our fathers during the time. Finally it is important to note that it was not Buhari that orchestrated the coup that truncated democatic settings Nigerians enjoyed during this period but the main culprit was Babagida. Consequently Buhari who was the most qualified and capable of restoring Nigeria dignity among community of nations was given chance. He did his best flushing corrupt politicians. The issue of Umaru Diko showed the extent Buhari could go to fight corruption. I imploy the #PDPigs to find better argument.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:34:37 +0000

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