Old Dude Update: Well Joey, Bad Karma season has come to an end. - TopicsExpress


Old Dude Update: Well Joey, Bad Karma season has come to an end. Last night we started out with a pre-game BBQ and then played a DH against a higher division team. We played well, they out lasted us though. We had some great hitting and fielding but it just wasnt enough. Sheila & Loretta filled in, Kristy came back and did awesome. Andrea covered the plate well, even got runners out at the plate with great relay throws and had some timely hits. Kathy handled first and her bat in good fashion. Kelly ran awesome and used her bat to advance runners. The guys..Ryan was consistent all night, in the field and at the plate. The Fish pointed between LC & RC in his last at-bat...and drilled a zinger right there. Travis only hit as hes still rehabbing an injury, but moved people in to score and around the bases. Alex launched a Surface to Air missile, among other hits and had some great glove work, relay throws too. Robert pitched well and had some productive ABs, a few sac flies too. Rolf was hitting well but needed the Old Dude as a courtesy runner (yes, hes younger) running all over the infield and making solid plays as the relay thrower. Little sis Sally was cheering us on with Connie and Tammy who brought her little angel Cayleigh...Old Dude was all over the outfield, diving and throwing...catching some and narrowly missing others...only hit once from the right side, last AB and...a towering fly ball to left that I seriously could have used a golf club for...or a tennis racket, chased a pitch that dropped. From the left side, lots of RBIs from consistent hitting, scored a few runs...no sliding needed this time. This has been a great season buddy and as you know, Ive dedicated all games to you and these final games to you along with my neighbor and friend, Marcus Buskirk who is now in hospice :-( (hes not even 50). I am so thankful to the four teams who allowed me to play with them and here on Bad Karma...two seasons. Im going to be stronger next year since I get to start lifting weights again and will get to re-build the lost muscle from being sick and no lifting. Ill be ready to match Alex and Travis from the launching pad and will definitely have the same enthusiasm and energy to keep patrolling the outfield. Im looking forward to next year. The Old Dude still has game, a baller, so dont plan on seeing me fade off to the over 50 leagues when I can still hang with the young bucks...FYI, Old Dude is available for pick-up anytime, let your road dogs know :D Love these guys, a total blast!!! The only thing thatll stop me from climbing fences and diving, to catch balls will be when they bury me. Cheating death with the whole Pancreas thing, being a full blown diabetic, not much can get in the way of doing what I love with such awesome people. While there may not be awards to hand out, I can think of many my teammates deserve. I personally have enjoyed having trophies such as loud cheers, call outs to the Old Dude, scratches, bruises, minor muscle injuries and the same for tendons & ligaments, a jammed/bruised finger tip. Other trophies such as the memorable inside the park homers, the triples, getting my place hitting back, the hustle plays in the outfield and at 2nd. The teamwork and fun is the best trophy of all. Thank you for asking me to play Ryan and thank you to Andrea for allowing me to be part of such a special team. Sabrina Luke and Miss Ava :D Just remember, no matter how old you think you are, its okay to be a kid and have fun. I may not run as fast as some but I definitely held my own. Funny how people tend to ask if Im okay after a hard dive or slide or if I need a rest...as the season progressed, it was clear I have stamina. If I dont get dirty and am not bleeding, Ive let myself and my team down... Peace out and love to everybody. Go out and make it a great day!!!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:05:45 +0000

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