Old Fashioned Butt Rubbing: Butt rubbing is an art, some can and - TopicsExpress


Old Fashioned Butt Rubbing: Butt rubbing is an art, some can and some cant, those that cant become friends with those that can. I am going to share a few of my secrets to a good ole fashioned butt rubbing. First you have to pick out the right butt, one with a nice layer of fat on it. yes fat on your butt is a good thing here. Now I dont know about you but I like a clean butt so I always wash mine with cold water and then dry it real good. Some people prefer to sprinkle some special seasonings on their butts and some like to use a wet rub. I use both it seems to put a shine on my butt. To get started I sprinkle a little of Franks Butt Dust, (a special blend of seasonings, yep its a secret) I sprinkle this on it then I pour some of my secret Hot Butt Wet Rub on it, Yes this too is a secret, and do you know why? It is a secret because I know what is in it and you dont. then I rub it all over one side of the butt and then I dust it again with a good coating of Franks Butt Dust, then I work on the other side of the butt. after all that I wrap it up and let it rest for 24 hrs. Then I take it out the next day and give it some special loving in the oven. (charcoal smoker) Low and slow makes it some mighty fine eating. I hope this helps you to become inspired to become a certified Butt Rubber, now go get yourself a butt and start rubbing.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:56:25 +0000

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