Old Mav realizes it seems this F B forum deletes chats posts every - TopicsExpress


Old Mav realizes it seems this F B forum deletes chats posts every week old Mav no not never noticed it before and so cuz old Mav suffers from extreme mental illness old Mav is lucky old Mav may tie old Mavs own shoes much less know how the F B forum operates RIGHT and so any way in less than 72 hours old Mav is 69 69 a nice old age and so no not 79 89 butt those numbers r far harder to achieve old Mav realizes 69 is hard enough enuff after all old Mav is old Mav no not exactly a Einstein so on RIGHT and so any way America claims it may geta in to the Syria mess whether it realy does time alone any way the world knows how fast America the U K France NATO the U N the Caucasians the world so on dealt with Libya and so that wuz a Bang Bang operation all over before the world old Mav even knew it wuz happening RIGHT and so butt is Syria gona be that easy and so simple also too and so time alone any way it is 6 14 2013 in less than 72 hours old Mav is 69 69 any way another week end old Mav lost again at Bridge at Pogo again old Mav ran in to another cry baby situation which cost old Mav another Bridge game butt no big deal and so so the cry babys know how to cheat and so win at Bridge at Pogo and so no big deal old Mav plays for fun and so a liberal education it helps old Mav deal with the extreme mental illness old Mav sufers from surrounded by bad buddy buddy bully brute people who know exactly how to cheat attack trap old Mav and so how old Mav gota born butt it seems time the calendar forced it to happen and so butt it seems time the calendar have no way and so no power and so to force the miracle medicines curse needed to save old Mav at 68 in time before RIGHT and so whether 69 makes any diference time alone RIGHT and so the world is sure no way and so the world beter be RIGHT and so butt luckily for old Mav the world just thinks old Mav is a poor crazy demented senile senior 68 old Jew fool with delusions of chating posting grandeur RIGHT and so any way and so still no Arab Jew war and so still no Korea war and so old Mav may just hope the world has to save itself from doom and so any way and so in a couple of minutes it is gona be 6 15 2013 and so in around 48 hours old Mav is 69 and so whether 69 makes any diference time alone RIGHT and so any way the big bad buddy buddy bully brutes at least have no not paid old Mav a litle come come with razor blades to slice up old Mavs own eyes RIGHT and so they merely monetarily time calendar strangle cheat attack trap old Mav and so at least old Mav has this senior apartment with real live internet cable RIGHT and so some thing that helps old Mav to deal with the extreme mental illness old Mav suffers from butt at least old Mav at 68 is still alive any way Syria ??? what may happen will Assad do a Ghadaifi a Mubarack time alone any way and so the J*wish minority people and so Israel and so still have remained neutral do no not take sides butt if America supports the Rebels oposition with military support will Israel be forced to do the same and so time alone RIGHT and so any way and so the world seems to have no regard for the danger of doom the I old Mav goes the world goes still the world no not seems to have any regard for that extreme danger since the world no not never cheats atacks traps each other and so no not never suffers from disease death and so from any form of individual attack and so as old Mav does and so how the world may function totally united is beyond old Mav butt some how it can and so butt doom is doom total unity itself will may no not stop doom if old Mav dies and so there will be no Libya no Syria no way to stop doom no way and so old Mav may just hope this forces the world to have to act and so that is all old Mav may hope RIGHT and so 6 15 2013 and so in around another 48 hours old Mavis 69 and so no big celebration no Lobsters no French Champagne no Barbequed Ribs and so like the rest of the world geta every day and so old Mav is lucky to geta Potatoes and so Rice and so Beans RIGHT and so butt can the word doom force the world to act and so will the world be forced to save itself from doom and or is it too late RIGHT and so doom is no not a Israeli misile strike and so no not a Israeli bomb strike and so doom is doom and so it is only a question whether the Arabs rather acept doom and or acept Israeli misiles and so bombs against it RIGHT and so time alone whether the whole world no not just Assad and so does a Ghadaifi and so ends up just as dead and or whether the world saves itself from doom the odds seem to favor doom and so doom looks like the Tiger Woods the 9 11 the 48 56 67 73 Israelis the 1945 Americans British French Russians world RIGHT and so any way is it doom and or it is saved time alone any way this old Mav chat post is long enough enuff RIGHT and so old Mav hopes all u nice friendly F B members have a nice week end RIGHT sorry right... sorry old Mav
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 05:26:08 +0000

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