Old case in danish paper from 2010 GOOGLE TRANSLATE: Private - TopicsExpress


Old case in danish paper from 2010 GOOGLE TRANSLATE: Private economic interests bag Danish Borrelia Diagnostics The Danish test for Borrelia sygdommen is very insecure, mean service provided by foreign experts. The physician, where the advisor National Board of Health that bruge a particular Borrelia test here at home, even enjoys it and make money selling - and he has not enlightened about their conflicts of interest Indland When in Denmark will test for Borrelia sygdommen - a bacterium transmitted af skovflåt - bruger Lægerne the såkaldte ELISA test. The fact is clearly recommended in an article in Ugeskrift for the physicians from 2006, which is written af medical director at Rigshospitalet - and live Borrelia expert in Denmark - Klaus Hansen. In the article writes Klaus Hansen, the ELISA test is that foretrække, when the diagnosis of Lyme disease should be made. The competing Western Blot test discourages him that benefit. Nogenlunde same Conclusion stated af the officielle clearance report from 2006, which is the reason for the National Board of Health recommendations in this area. The report Klaus Hansen as co-author. Klaus Hansen, however, even enjoys the version af ELISA test, which is most udbredt in Denmark - and he earns money on the sale. According to Klaus Hansen is the saw intruders, how many money it Drejer sig though. Information learned that there would tages between 75,000 and 100,000 ELISA test in Denmark each year, and that Klaus Hansen ver af test udgør about half af market. There Prospective therefore sold op mod 50,000 af Klaus Hansen ELISA test årligt alone on the Danish market. Information has not been able to get enlightened, the price of the test, but Statens Serum Institut tags 590 kr. pr. patient that the enterprises it. Heal economic interests stated, however, af neither artiklerne or clearance report from 2006. It is a clear example of the problems which arise when doctors have conflicts of interest, says Inga Marie Lunde from the physicians Uden Sponsor, a Netværket af doctors, which promotes uafhængighed af kommercielle interests: There is a very clear example of disguised promotion. We where going to consider text holders, have not an earthly chance that relate us to it, sag Inga Marie Lunde .. She hæfter him especially in that Klaus Hansen has also written clearance report uden that their alleged conflicts of interest: »Clearance Report is the the which is the reason for the Danish practice in the area - the one we all practicing physicians dishes after us, sag Inga Marie Lunde. Also on Ugeskrift For the physicians believe it, that Klaus Hansen has acted installed incorrectly: He should have alleged that a conflict of interest in his article in Ugeskrift for the physician, writes scientifically editor, Jacob Rosenberg in a brief e-mail to Information. Tvivl the test ELISA test, as Klaus Hansen and his colleagues recommend is desuden uncertain, according to several experts, Informationve spoken with. The foretrækker typical Western Blot test, as Klaus Hansen in clearance report discourages Brug af. Among them is a physician and researcher Nikolaus Ackermann from the proprietery Max Von Pettenkofer Institute at Ludwig Maximilians Universität in Munich: Western Blot test is entydigt better end ELISA. It is more præcis. It has erkendt in Germany, where the marrying more and more almindeligt that bruge Western Blot. The most optimal is that bruge both test, so you can compare results holders, sag dr. Nikolaus Ackermann. Also, the American physician Daniel Cameron, which is the head af ILADS - International Lyme And Associated Diseases Society, one international, nonprofit, Medicinsk Borrelia organization. Daniel Cameron has beskæftiget himself with Borrelia for 23 years and believes that the Danish heal skråsikkerhed over for the ELISA test, the patient holders of evil: »Vores Frustration with the ELISA test is that the giver for many fejldiagnosticeringer. The Danish doctors rely on tests, and there is a fejltagelse, there Sidste to go ud over the fejldiagnosticerede patienter. For if Lægerne get a negative response from the ELISA test, so they do not indleder treatment af the infected patient, sag Daniel Cameron. Medical director of the German private hospital for borrelia treatment, Lyme disease Centrum Ausburg, Karsten Nicolaus, believes that the ELISA test alone is ubrugelig that diagnosticere sygdommen: ELISA tests are the cheapest - and that is the only incentive for that use them, as I see it. There are at any rate no lægevidenskabelige explanations, that bruger test, and with suggestion is that you SMID the væk, sag Karsten Nicolaus. Also in the Statens Serum Institut believes medical director Kåre Mølbak, the Western Blot is the bedste Maad that diagnosticere on. The great strength of the Western Blot is that it can excludes other bacteria, similar borrelia. - What Borrelia test is bedst? The Western Blot, sag Kåre Mølbak. Alligevel he believes, that the Danish practice with only the bruge ELISA test is fine: ELISA test is cheaper and more convenient in a daily sammenhæng, and rutinebrug it will rule be Fuld tilstrækkelig, recounts Kåre Mølbak, which understreger, he keeps himself recommendation holders of the Danish experts - which will sag Klaus Hansen and other writers clearance report. ELISA tests can give both false positive and false negative results. It will sag, that one can get that wide, that has sygdommen uden that have it - and that you can get that wide, that one has not sygdommen, even if you have it. The false positive results is most ordinary. Both share the course as dangerous - especially the false negative results, which may cause long-term untreated sygdomsforløb. An untreated Borrelia-sickness can cause severe paralysis and pain in the syge. No evidence Klaus Hansen afviser, the Western Blot is the bedste Maad that diagnosticere on: In the branche vores we therefore evidence-based. And there is no evidence that the Western Blot is better, sag Klaus Hansen. What concerns conflict of interest holders medgiver Klaus Hansen, that he be committed one fejl: It is rigtigt. And I can only regret that I am not enlightened about it, when we lavede clearance report, he sags and reiterate: Set in bakspejlet should there have stået, I havde a relationship with the pågældende company. But there was no bagtanke bag, that there stood. We tænkte simply not there. - How can you not Always be aware of, that even monetize it, man securely fastened and recommend? You must tage mit words, that I tænkte over it. Today I can well see, that I should have done. And apologies man said that to me tilbage in 2006, so apologies as I also said yes, of course we shall then write it on, sag Klaus Hansen. In the clearance report where NetOp now - in April 2010 became reiterate that Klaus Hansen has a conflict of interest. Initially, the group wrote bag report conflict of interest holders ind, uden that write there was talk of a new and Feriebolig ApS version. Clearance report hed ie stadigvæk 1. ver 2006 . It other words ud like, conflict of interest always havde weather informer. Only then Information igen addressed himself, abiding written ind that there is talk of a new version from April 2010. It was, according to the group bag report one »fejl, that now was directed. Klaus Hansen wants in spite several opfordringer not that enlighten, how many money he earns from the sale af ELISA tests. It is not concerned with the saw. And it is with Sidste words in the sag, sag Klaus Hansen. information.dk/231920
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 13:07:14 +0000

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