Old is gold, they say - no better gold than being old and having - TopicsExpress


Old is gold, they say - no better gold than being old and having youthful fun , i say. This is what exactly surmises the out-and-out boys-only freak out flick - Last Vegas. Billy, Paddy, Archie & Sam - best friends for life, right from where they display a sense of “bravery” and run for their lives when they face trouble - are retired & living a life of the senior citizen. Sam, spends his time trying to adjust to the finicky and over-excited members of the old age club - along with his wife, without the charm in their lives. Archie dotes on his grandson & tries to involve himself in his son’s life - with the son being a over-protective body guard. Billy lavishly spends his retired life with a girl half his age & is on the verge of getting married to her. Paddy has become a loner after his wife Sophie’s death and cuts off everyone-even the girl next door who cares for him with her home baked cakes. Now, of course, the lavish guy has something to crack open - he proposes to his girl at a friend’s funeral - albeit making the eulogy very hilarious. Calling Archie & Sam to give the news, they decide on a bachelor party in the epitome of all bachelor parties - Las Vegas. Paddy is not keen on joining - exhibiting openly the bitter scenario between him and Billy. One thing leads to another, and all land in Vegas to enjoy that one last “back with a bang” party. Thereon, its a story deep in friendship, sacrifices & age-doesnt-matter-philosophies. The direction & cinematography is slick and pays all attention to the characters, rather than… well, Vegas. The screenplay and dialogues are dedicated to the deep meaning of friendship, hilarious gags & the awkward situations faced by the characters considering their ages. Consider this: in the tele-conference between Billy, Archie & Sam - Billy says he has some news (his wedding). Archie:” What? What is it - prostrate? Lung or bone marrow?” Sam: “Must be the liver, its happening to a lot of people”. Kevin Kline simply shines in his role as the funny, boisterous & awkward Sam - jumping with joy when his wife hands him a condom - to enjoy the Vegas experience. Morgan Freeman is outstanding as the doting grandpa and the glue that binds the freaky 4 together - he even cunningly shakes a jig with all the girls in the party without showing signs of “old age”. Michael Douglas showcases the talent he is known for: style, flair, flirty & smart. Though there is a change, he doesn’t display his egoistic nature - which is a refreshing change. The star, undoubtedly is De Niro - who gulps in his sorrows & joys, but brazenly and openly declares the betrayal by his best friend - this man is a true legend at acting - superb body language, excellent emoting & classic charisma -this is typical De Niro. The film is a goody-goody one, although it raises the bar on several occasions, thereby stating the obvious: Age is only a number. Vishesh Tippani: There is a sequel in the works - again, the legends together. M’s Rating: 4/5
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 06:43:11 +0000

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