Old ppl say WHAT EH MISS YOU, DONT PASS YOU;I now believe I have - TopicsExpress


Old ppl say WHAT EH MISS YOU, DONT PASS YOU;I now believe I have seen it all when it comes to SPIN DOCTORING and POLITICAL SIDESTEPPING. In her attempt to continue the usual DIVERSIONARY TACTICS of her Govt, KPB has decided to TRY to throw off the publics concern on the controversial Constitutional Reform Bill. Having realised that her BS reasoning, in trying to keep her racially motivated stranglehold on power, is not going to hold with the majority of level-headed TnT ppl; she has now decided to attempt to pacify her enemies, by honoring two former PMs. This is one of the greatest displays of HYPOCRISY I have ever witnessed. Isnt this the same woman who said Panday was the proverbial albatross around the UNCs neck? Wasnt this the same woman who described Patrick Manning as a cancer eating away at the nations core? So how, all so suddenly these 2 recalcitrants are suddenly deserving of the countrys highest award? I wonder if she got Sats approval for this move? Now mind you, I for one, can recognise the contributions of these 2 goodly gentlemen, since history will record their innovative ideas, such as: opening up the foreign-used car industry, road works and maintainence and free tertiary education, to name a few; but then again I have never tried to decimate these mens political careers with gerrymandering and petty falsifications. How is it just 4 years ago, she vilified these 2 men as the worst thing to hit TnT since the 80s RECESSION, yet now she wants to honour them. Wake up my friends, this is just another ruse led by Kamla Baba and her band of thieves to divert our attention from the real issues and to have us misled into believing she is such an affable individual who is above human bias. The only reason Panday and Manning are being honoured is to mislead members of the public who still adhere to their visions. KPB and the CABAL have one concern: the continuance of their reign of terror under the disguise of GOVERNANCE; they will stoop to any level to maintain it. In other words shes trying to say to TnT: Look how pure and honest my heart and hands are, Im honouring my opponents. I hope my friends like Anthony Clarke and Barry Garcia are not duped by this facade portrayed by this MIS-LEADER of TnT. With GE 2015 less than 1 year away, we will now be cast into a year long CHRISTMAS, where political gifts will be bestowed upon the populace wily-nily in an attempt to manipulate the voters. DO NOT BE MISLED. KPB and the PP/UNC are approaching their WATERLOO, and its coming in the form of GE 2015, lets just bide our time, God doh sleep and he doh take sick leave. Dont beat up, its just my opinion.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 13:37:45 +0000

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