Olivers Journey: A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of - TopicsExpress


Olivers Journey: A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of the little yorkie in need of a home. The owner said he was nipping at her child. She was frustrated because she couldnt have him doing that. I agreed to foster him just so she didnt have to worry about her child. When he got here the information I was told was he was from a breeder but the breeder got rid of him that person took him back to the breeder so the breeder found someone else to take him, then he went back to the breeder again. The breeder found one more person to take this dog and that person found the one that I got him from so he had been bounced around. I agreed to take him on the hope of finding him a real home with people that will love him! So they were taking him to the most spendy vet in town and that vet told them he needed this surgery and that surgery that he had seizures and a liver shunt so he needed the most expensive food out there, he also needed special meds to make him poop. So he came to my home and after he started feeling more comfortable with us I noticed little things about him that I was never told. His potty habits for one he never needed that expensive medication to poop he did that just fine on his own. He was put in a doggie diaper all day but I never put it on him I watched him and when he showed signs of needing to go out he went out on a leash and did just fine. Seizures were tough to watch but he did ok once he came out of them. After consulting with my personal vet whom I trust I found out that all he needed was a low protein diet which can be bought in stores or you can make homemade there are plenty of recipes online for dogs you can follow. He did tell me because of the seizures I would have to make the decision of putting him to sleep because his quality of life isnt the best it could be not unless I have money to spend. So for the last week of going back and forth on what to do and talking to the few people I trust I made a tough decision. I hoped for some small glimmer of hope in Olivers little life, owners being honest is a HUGE part of that! When I first was told of his story I placed an ad online after talking with the yorkie guru (a friend of Roseys) but hadnt heard anything from it. Lastnight as I got ready for bed I said a tiny little prayer to myself that somehow, someway, someone out there would see it and respond. Today was the day Oliver was going to be put to sleep NO ONE WANTS A BROKEN DOG humans are greedy and want the perfect animal but not one animal is perfect they all have issues in some way shape or form! When I got up this morning I had 2 emails the first one I responded to they claimed the husband was a vet from South Sioux City. So I went back and forth in email with them they told me they would be here before 2 to pick him up but there were holes in the story I was getting. I had a gut feeling to not let him go with them so at 1:30 I emailed them and asked what time they thought they would be here. They told me they would have to meet later! About 30 minutes later it was still bothering me so I emailed them back telling them that we had decided to keep him. I dont owe these people anything and I dont know them so I dont want them coming up here to get this little guy and doing god knows what to him! I moved on to the 2nd email it was from a women here in SF we talked back and forth she asked questions and I answered honestly I told her all about him and the issues. She was still interested so she told me where I needed to go so her and I and Oliver could meet. Can I just say OLIVER HIT THE JACKPOT! His new owner is a business owner, when we got there today I put him down and he took off running around the store, the warehouse, back through the store in every office finally coming to rest at the glass door staring out at the cars passing by. He was so happy! I couldnt be happier for him.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 02:12:52 +0000

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