Om shanti....... 30/03/14 Morning Murli Om Shanti Avyakt - TopicsExpress


Om shanti....... 30/03/14 Morning Murli Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 31/12/97 Celebrate this New Year as the Year of Liberation. Use everything in a worthwhile way and attain success. Today, BapDada is giving greetings for the New Year to the elevated souls who are experiencing a new life, the souls who are the creators of the New Age. The New Year is beginning for the people of the world, whereas you children are remembering the New Age in your mind. Just as the New Year will begin tomorrow, in the same way, the New Age will also come tomorrow. Do you have the awareness that your New Age is about to come? Today, human souls have happiness and temporary enthusiasm in their heart for the New Year, whereas you souls have permanent happiness for the coming of the New Age. Do you feel that it is a matter of just today and tomorrow? Today it is the old age and tomorrow the new age is just ahead of you. According to the drama, it is a question of just today and tomorrow. Do you experience this awareness clearly? Or, have you just come here to celebrate the New Year? The New Year reminds you of the New Age. Do you have the zeal and enthusiasm in your heart about what you will become tomorrow? Does the dress (costume) of your new body appear in front of you? Do you remember how beautiful your new body was in the New Age? What that age was like? What that kingdom was like? How the elements were your servants, how they were satopradhan? Do you clearly have the awareness of the sovereign stage of your kingdom? Can you see how beautiful that new world is? Are you able to experience the rights to your kingdom within a second? Or, are you experiencing them now? In one second, just take yourself to the New Age. Do you know how to go there? How many times have you attained this sovereignty of the kingdom? Do you remember this? Experience how beautiful your kingdom is! It is lovely as well as unique. Within one second, just remember your kingdom and your sovereignty form of having all rights to the world that Baba gave you. People give one another limited gifts for the New Year, whereas the Father gives you the gift of all rights to the sovereignty of the world. At this time, this imperishable gift becomes the unshakeable destiny and is fixed for all of you by the Father, so that this destiny cannot be prevented by anyone. It is unshakeable and constant. You have received such a gift, have you not? Look after this gift very carefully. No bandits should rob you of this g(ft. All of you have a double lock, do you not? Nowadays, a single lock is not enough; a double lock is needed. You dont need a Godrej lock, but Gods lock. God has given you such a lock that no one can break it. However, if you become careless, bandits come. Bandits are very clever; they can tell when your lock has not been put on properly. Therefore, dont become careless! This year, have you made a new plan for the self and for service? You are constantly having conferences and dialogues, but what new plans have you made? This year, BapDada wants to see a bouquet of a variety of special souls from all the different professions of this land and abroad. You have served all the professions a great deal. Now, prepare a jewel from each profession; no profession should be left out. Why? Now that the time is coming closer, no one from any profession should complain that their profession was left out. Someone from each profession should be of such a special quality that he can work as a mike, because as the time comes closer, there should be just the one sound, The Father has come, emerging from souls of all professions and religions. It is only now, at the confluence age, that the seed will be sown in the founder souls of all religions and the souls of all professions. They will carry such power away within them that they will become the inventors of their own religion or their own profession at their own time. You have to prepare all the seeds so that they can become the instruments for their own department at their own time. The Father is the Seed and you Brahmin souls are the trunk. All other souls emerge from the Seed and the trunk. Now all of you from this land and abroad should bring such a bouquet in front of the Father. Bring one sample from each profession. Many others are automatically created from one sample. However, each one should become a powerful mike. Now a bouquet of the various flowers, seeds, religions and professions should be prepared. Only when not a single one is missed out will you be called the world­ benefactor souls who are the instruments to uplift all souls. Not even one branch should be missing; all the branches are needed. Some of these professions may not exist in your New Age, but those souls who are to become the instruments to invent things in the copper and iron ages are to receive power from you. All the founders of religions will be co-operative in hoisting the Fathers flag, the flag of revelation, in front of you. Similarly, those from all the different professions will also co-operate fully in hoisting the flag of revelation. Only then can it be called the establishment of the world of happiness through everyones co-operation. They are becoming co-operative, but, out of those, now enable special souls to come forward with their co-operation. Make those souls into instruments. Sow the seed of making those souls into instruments. Do you understand what you have to do? It has become very easy to make connections with IP and VIP souls in the foreign lands. It is not difficult now, is it? Is it difficult or easy? So, when you come for the New Year next time, BapDada wants to see you bring such a bouquet as the previous New Years gift. You have one year; this is not a short time. Those from this land and also those from abroad will do this. (Ha ji.) You will definitely do this. Say, It is already accomplished. You simply have to become instruments. Double foreigners, speak! All foreigners, you may clap. Achcha, we shall see who prepares this first - those from this land or those from abroad. We shall also see how big the bouquet is that you prepare. Is this OK? They are listening to Baba everywhere. Those from this land and those from abroad are listening to Baba. Now they are becoming enthusiastic. They are making plans in their minds: we will do this and this. Achcha. That is world service. What will you do for the self? You will make plans for that too, will you not? If you do not make elevated plans to benefit the self, world service will not be able to receive that sakaash. This is why, while knowing the zeal and enthusiasm in the heart of everyone, BapDada says: Whether you were celebrating your diamond jubilee, golden jubilee, silver jubilee or any other jubilee that is to take place, each of you, with zeal and enthusiasm in your heart, promised the Father from your heart that you will definitely become equal to the Father. Have all of you promised this? Have the double foreigners promised this? (All waved their hands). Achcha. Congratulations! You have made a very sweet, a very good and lovely, powerful promise. Now simply continue to fulfil that promise. At the time of making a promise, you make it with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. You are also very courageous at that time, but what happens afterwards? Maya comes, sometimes in the form of a mouse and sometimes in the form of a cat. What does a cat do? Meow meow. So, what do the children do? Mai, mai, mai (I, I, I). So, dont meow like a cat in this way. What does a mouse do? A mouse gnaws whatever it finds. Because of not knowing what anything is, it gnaws everything. So Maya also gnaws away at the treasures of the children and eats them up. Sometimes a lion comes. What does a lion do? It creates fear in those who are fearless. It disheartens the almighty authority children. Do not allow this to happen! Do not allow anything to come! Constantly keep the double lock applied. This year, do not allow anyone to enter. Celebrate this year as the year of being free from everything: The Year of Liberation. Only when you celebrate this year as The Year of Liberation will you be able to go to your land of liberation. What will you do for this? It is a very small thing, not a big thing. BapDada is giving you a very short slogan: Use everything in a worthwhile way and attain success! Do you understand what it means to use everything in a worthwhile way and attain success? Do you understand? Use everything in a worthwhile way and attain success. What do you have to use in a worthwhile way? Whatever you have, whatever property, time, thoughts and breath you have, body, mind and wealth you have, use everything in a worthwhile way. Do not waste anything. Do not keep anything carefully locked away for a time of need. Use even your thoughts in a worthwhile way! Each and every thought is your property. Money is your physical property. Similarly, time, breath and thoughts are your subtle property. Not a single thought should be wasted. They should all be used in a worthwhile way. Whether you are serving through your mind, words or deeds, check how much you are using in a worthwhile way at all times and how much you have accumulated. This year, BapDada is giving this special blessing: Use everything in a worthwhile way and experience multimillion­fold success! You can attain this instant fruit easily. You just have to have an honest heart. BapDada, Bholanath Father, is easily pleased with an honest heart. Therefore, use everything in a worthwhile way. Use the wealth of knowledge, the wealth of powers and the wealth of virtues in a worthwhile way at every moment. Do you know how to use them in a worthwhile way? Or, do you know how to put all of them aside and guard them carefully? Do not put them aside! Use them! Since you say that everything is going to happen suddenly, you have to become ever ready. Use everything you have in a worthwhile way. BapDada does not want any of it. Accumulate it for yourself. BapDada is the Bestower. To use something in a worthwhile way means to accumulate that, because, according to the time, BapDada was looking at your account of accumulation. BapDada has the accounts of accumulation of all you children with Him. What did Baba see in your accounts of accumulation? Many children say and believe that they have accumulated many things. Externally, they say that they have accumulated a great deal, but in the Fathers account of accumulation of each of you, it is very much less than each of you says or believes it to be. Why? It has to do with the first lesson of I and the consciousness of mine. I did this. This is my service and my task. At the time of accumulating, you feel that you are accumulating, but it is automatically deducted from your account of accumulation and added to the account of waste. This subtle machinery is automatic. Baba made this happen. This is Babas service. I t is not my service. You should not say, I did this. Do not speak about it again and again: I did this, I am doing this, I am doing this. Do not constantly say, I, I. Say, Baba, Baba, and you will accumulate multimillion-fold. If you say I or have the consciousness of mine, it will be transferred to the account of waste. This automatic machinery is so fast that you are not even aware of it. Only those who are detached from the consciousness of mine are able to check this with an honest heart. When all of you original jewels emerged at the beginning for the service of establishment, what did you constantly feel? What words did you constantly say? Did you have any consciousness of I? It was because you said, Baba, Baba that you became Babas heirs, who have now become the ones to begin service. This is the proof of saying, Baba, Baba. Now, very few heir-quality souls come to Baba. Why? Baba is mixed with the consciousness of I. This is why, this year, BapDada is blessing you with an open heart: Accumulate as much as you want! Do as much as you want! Do as much as you want, but use everything in a worthwhile way and become an embodiment of success! Achcha. What ceremony did you celebrate recently? The Silver Jubilee. Those of you, who are celebrating your silver jubilee, raise your hands! Those, whose ceremony was celebrated, raise your hands! You celebrated a double ceremony! It is a ceremony of those from Bharat and also of those from abroad. It is good to celebrate, that is, it means to stamp yourself with your firm promise. You celebrated with this ceremony. BapDada also enjoyed this scene very much. As well as celebrating, you have to stamp whatever thought you have with the stamp of the almighty government so that it remains constantly imperishable and firm. To celebrate means to fulfil your promise. Have you applied such a strong stamp? Or is the stamp you applied feint? Have you applied a strong stamp? You kumars, who are celebrating your silver jubilee, are waving your hands very well. Have you celebrated this ceremony firmly? It is good. Do not forget this scene. Whenever any weakness comes, place your photo of this ceremony in front of you. Each ones photo is taken, is it not? Is it given to everyone? Do you all receive it? Photos are not taken, just like that, without reason. They are taken for a special purpose. The photos are taken so that, when a time of weakness comes, you can place your photo in front of you. Do not just keep your photos locked away in your cupboards so that you cannot even remember them at such a time. This is the greatest gift of all; it is a way of reminding you. Achcha. To those who have a right to the world sovereignty of the New Age, to the world-transformer souls who transform everything through their new lives, to the souls who become embodiments of success by constantly using everything in a worthwhile way, to the unshakeable and constant souls who constantly put into practice all the promises they have made, to the souls who constantly maintain enthusiasm and give enthusiasm to others through their festivities, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations from BapDada for the New Year and the establishment of the New Age. As well as this, to all those children who move forward by maintaining courage, to all such children who receive help by maintaining courage, BapDadas love, remembrance and namaste. Blessing: May you be an easy yogi soul who remains constantly light and who keeps the Father merged in your eyes. The mine of happiness that you receive at the confluence age cannot be received in any other Age. At this time, there is the meeting between the Father and the children, an inheritance and a blessing. There is no effort required for an inheritance or a blessing. This is why your title is: An easy yogi. BapDada cannot bear to see the childrens labouring. He says: Children, give all your burdens to the Father and become light yourself. Become so light that the Father sits you in His eyes and takes you back with Him. The sign of your love for the Father is to remain constantly light and to be merged in the Fathers eyes. Slogan: Close the path to thinking negatively and you will become an embodiment of success. Om Shanti
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 16:41:52 +0000

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