Omar Ibn EL Khattab Quran Enters His Heart Omars sister - TopicsExpress


Omar Ibn EL Khattab Quran Enters His Heart Omars sister seemed to have the strength her brother was so famous for, she stood up and faced her angry brother saying, You enemy of God! You would hit me just because I believe in God. Whether you like it or not, I testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. Do whatever you will! Omar saw the blood running down his sisters face, her words echoed in his ears, and he stood up. Omar demanded that the words of Quran he had heard as he approached the house be recited for him. {We have not sent down the Quran unto you (O Muhammad) to cause you distress, but only as a reminder to those who fear (God). A revelation from Him who has created the earth and high heavens. The Most Beneficent rose over the (Mighty) Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth, and all that is between them, and all that is under the soil. And if you (O Muhammad) speak aloud, then verily, He knows the secret and that which is yet more hidden. No one has the right to be worshipped but He! To Him belong the Best Names.} [Quran 20:2-8] ( طه ( 1 ) ما أنزلنا عليك القرآن لتشقى ( 2 ) إلا تذكرة لمن يخشى ( 3 ) تنزيلا ممن خلق الأرض والسماوات العلا ( 4 ) الرحمن على العرش استوى ( 5 ) له ما في السماوات وما في الأرض وما بينهما وما تحت الثرى ( 6 ) وإن تجهر بالقول فإنه يعلم السر وأخفى ( 7 ) الله لا إله إلا هو له الأسماء الحسنى ( 8 ) ) Admin:GB
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 14:00:00 +0000

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