Omar cautions against taking Kashmiris for granted: Chief - TopicsExpress


Omar cautions against taking Kashmiris for granted: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Sunday cautioned against taking Kashmiris ‘for granted’ and believing that their anger would not boil beyond a certain limit. He said some friends in New Delhi have developed misconception in this regard and they assume that ‘peace in Kashmir’ is permanent. “I want to tell them that this is not the case and the anger of Kashmiris and peace in Kashmir cannot be taken for granted. Though, the people of Jammu and Kashmir particularly living in Valley have always chosen peace against disturbance, yet you cannot take them for granted forever”, he said and asserted that permanent peace and tranquillity in the State is directly proportionate with the resolution of basic political issues confronting the State. “The people in Kashmir may exhibit restrain and patience over various provocations like hanging of Afzal Guru without informing his family, killing of two innocent youth in Markundal recently and many other such aggravations, for which I salute them, but that does mean that their patience will always be taken for granted”, he said and cautioned against this kind of approach. Addressing a huge public gathering after inauguration of a Power Receiving Station at Kanir in Charar-i-Sharief Assembly Constituency of Budgam District, the Chief Minister said that ‘K-issue’ is not any issue of money or gun but of political genesis needing political solution. The Chief Minister said that he has time and again emphasized the need of addressing K-issue through the process of dialogue adding that he reiterates this need once again today from Charar-i-Sharief. He underscored the importance of settling this issue amicably and peacefully through the process of dialogue. “We have created a congenial atmosphere of dialogue and there are positive signals of peace and good relations from Pakistan”, he said and stressed on restoration of purposeful dialogue in this regard. He said the status of relations between India and Pakistan has had always effect on the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. “We want relations between the two neighbours be friendly and issues are settled peacefully across the table”, he added. Omar Abdullah criticised those sitting in Delhi and considering that participation of people in the State in panchayat elections, qualifying of IAS and other All India Competitive Examinations by Kashmiris or selection of a local youth in Indian Cricket Team have solved the basic political issues. He said that this kind of mind set is unfortunate and untrue. He called for a pragmatic and straight forward approach to address the political issues of Jammu and Kashmir politically through the peaceful process of dialogue. The Chief Minister said that National Conference has given the roadmap for political settlement of K-issue; PDP has its own agenda and the Congress its own. He said that the Union Government had constituted a team of Interlocutors to look into the political problems of the State and suggest a viable solution. “Besides holding series of meetings with stakeholders, the Interlocutors Team also interacted with some 5,000 people representing different shades of opinion and finalized a report”, he said and underlined the need for implementing the report. “You have to work out a political solution to the issue”, he emphasized and said that political and financial autonomy of the State is the cherished ideology and goal of National Conference and it will continuously work to achieve it. Omar Abdullah said that his endeavour will be for peaceful, progressive and politically and financially autonomous state where the people will relish justice, equality and an atmosphere of peace and brotherhood, and where youth will realize their dream of prosperity and welfare. The Chief Minister said that he is not of that grain who would ask the people to wait till the big political issues are settled. “Bigger issues of bigger political implications are addressed at bigger stages”, he said and added that the economic and development issues have to be settled on local stages and these cannot wait till the resolution of bigger issues. “As the Chief Minister of a coalition government, I have at one hand worked for facilitating resolution of political issues and on the other to reach out the people in every part of the state for development needs”, he said and added that his this endeavour will continue. Omar Abdullah said that his vision to make Jammu and Kashmir financially self-reliant and politically autonomous is being addressed under a two-pronged strategy. He said the financial autonomy of the State can be achieved by achieving self-sufficiency in power generation. “My government has laid a strong edifice for this stupendous goal”. He said during next some years the power production in the State would go up from present over 2000 MWs to 9000 MWs. “This would enable the State to not only meet its all electricity requirement but sell the surplus to other states of the Country”. The Chief Minister said that he had dreamt to make the State financially so strong that it would one day ask the Planning Commission of India to take some grants from Jammu and Kashmir for other States rather than pleading time and again for financial support for its development purpose. “This dream could be realized only when we harness the 20,000 MWs of power from our rivers and become financially autonomous. I have launched a gigantic programme in this direction and the day will come when the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, who so he may be, has not to go to Planning Commission of India and pray for grants and financial assistance”, he said and referred to the mega, small and micro power projects launched in the State during the last four and a half years tenure of his government. The Chief Minister announced a Mini Hydro Power Project of 22 MWs up stream Branwar Mini Hydel Project in the Charar-i- Sharief. He also announced another Receiving Station at Pakharpora as also the bifurcation of Electric Division Budgam to cater to the needs of all areas of Budgam District smoothly. He gave nod to a bore-well for maintenance of Kanir Park to make it a beautiful visiting spot for locals and visitors. The Receiving Station Kanir inaugurated by the Chief Minister has been completed in 2 years time at a cost of about Rs. 2 crores. It will feed the areas of Kanir, Zoohama, Kralwani, Borwa, Nowpora, Hushru, Patrigam, Wagam, Kulyech, Dedmaribagh and Porwara. It will benefit a population of about 30,000 souls directly and indirectly. Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Finance, Abdul Rahim Rather said that abrogation of Article 370 as suggested by some BJP leaders is not possible at all adding that the Article has attained permanent position in the Indian Constitution and has become its part and parcel. “The Constituent Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir was only authorized to modify this Article but it has kept it in the Constitution as a permanent feature, as such it is not constitutionally possible to abrogate this Article which governs J&K relations with Union of India”, he said. Abdul Rahim Rather referred to the innovative initiations of Omar led government and dwelt in detail about Right to Information Act, Public Service Guarantee Act and empowerment of Panchayats. He said these measures have given powers to people to scan government functioning at all levels, get delivery of 69 public services in a fixed time frame, be participant in development and planning process at grass roots and help in good governance. Describing Omar Abdullah ‘Sher-i-Kashmir Sani’ (Second Sher-i-Kashmir), Abdul Rahim Rather said that Omar has inherited all high qualities of public service and vision from Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and he is emerging as second Sher-i-Kashmir on the political spectrum of the Country. He assured full support of the people of his Constituency and the State to Omar Abdullah in his efforts to bring peace and normalcy in the State and resolve political issues. Legislator Nasir Aslam Wani who is also Provincial President Kashmir, NC also spoke on the occasion while MLC Ali Mohammad Dar were present besides other local leaders.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 13:13:02 +0000

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