Omar using rehab policy as a propaganda tool: Altaf Bukhari ‘NC - TopicsExpress


Omar using rehab policy as a propaganda tool: Altaf Bukhari ‘NC has always cheated Kashmiris, Delhi, Islamabad’ Reminding the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah of his infamous statement that he wanted separatists to ‘rot in jails’, Syed Altaf Bukhari Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) senior leader and party candidate for Amirakadl constituency on Friday said that Omar Abdullah is using the so called return and rehabilitation policy for former militants as a propaganda tool. Addressing a series of meetings of party workers in Chanpora area of Amirakadl constituency, Bukhari remarked that given the plight of former militants and their hapless families who returned homes spending lakhs of rupees via Nepal, it seems that they are still not accepted by the State as its permanent residents with the result some of them have gone back across LoC. The PDP candidate for Amirakadl said true to his character of making hollow slogans as his policy, Omar Abdullah has only been using the hapless former militants to project himself as a Maseehah, whereas actually the young men who had crossed the LoC in early 1990s have come back as middle aged persons with large families without any economic support or acceptance by the State. “It seems as if these families have fallen in no man’s land. Liaqat Shah who along with his wife had returned from Pakistan via Nepal and was arrested by Delhi police is an example that got detected but there are a number of such cases that go unnoticed. National Conference is trying to exploit this serious issue picked up from the agenda of PDP because this was the party that spoke about rehabilitation of former militants by constituting a rehabilitation council which was later systematically made dysfunctional by the present dispensation,” Bukhari observed. Bukhari reminded Omar Abdullah about Mst Saira Bano who had recently accompanied her husband to a Bandipora village under the so called rehabilitation policy and was forced by the hostile circumstances created by the ruling National Conference to go for self immolation. “People question that is this Omar Abdullah’s style of soothing wounds of these returnees that finding it hard to live, a helpless innocent woman was forced to set herself ablaze in Bandipora while the ruling National Conference remained unmoved,” Bukhari remarked. He observed that the woes of these helpless families have sofar remained unheeded and this unfortunate suicide by the deceased, demonstrates this beyond any shadow of doubt. Referring to the complaints of returnees who allege harassment by security agencies, no livelihood and no school admissions for their children, Bukhari said Omar Abdullah has cheated these families by making hollow commitments and his government has virtually pushed them to wall. He said that people have not forgotten that the National Conference which is presently talking about Pakistan is a party whose patron Dr Farooq Abdullah wanted militants to be killed rather than putting them in jails. Bukhari recalled how Dr Farooq Abdullah endorsed government’s decision to withdraw the ceasefire in 2001 while saying that there was no need for separatists to act as “middlemen” to mediate between the people of Kashmir and the governments in Delhi and Islamabad. “Also it was the Director General of Police in Farooq Abdullah led government who went on record not to accept the ceasefire offers.” Bukhari said that National Conference has never honoured Kashmiri people by giving respect and dignity instead this party has always treated Kashmiri as a political commodity. He said that PDP with its socio-economic and political agenda want to uplift the people of Kashmir by giving them an accountable, transparent and pro-people government. “People want to get rid of corrupt and the inefficient dispensation that has only added to their miseries in last over five and a half years of government,” Bukhari observed. On this occasion Abdul Hamid Kosheen, State Coordinator, Haji Parvez Ahmad District Coordinator Srinagar, Mohammad Altaf Dar and Jehangir Wani also addressed the meetings.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:01:34 +0000

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