Omega-3 fatty acids are a powerful ally in stroke prevention by Dr - TopicsExpress


Omega-3 fatty acids are a powerful ally in stroke prevention by Dr Jonathan Wright Its called a mild transient ischaemic attack (TIA). But when you have one, I assure you the experience will feel anything but mild. TIA symptoms include weakness or clumsiness of a hand, arm or leg, difficulties with speech, difficulties with swallowing, numbness or pins and needles of a part of the body and brief loss of vision or double vision. Combined, these symptoms can be horrifying. Most people bounce back from a TIA without experiencing an actual stroke. Nonetheless, TIA should not be taken lightly and the results of a recent study possibly points to an easy, delicious and very effective way to help prevent stroke altogether. In this latest study, researchers looked at seven studies and tracked 14 years of follow up medical records for hundreds of thousands of participants. The standout connection was between protein consumption and stroke prevention: Those with the highest protein intake were significantly less likely to have a stroke, compared to those who ate the least amount of protein. However, there was a catch. Protein from red meat didnt seem to give the same results. So, the researchers zeroed in on fish as the better protein source for stroke prevention. But is it really protein that plays a role in stroke prevention? Or could it be something else? A few years ago, we told you about research that linked fish sources of omega-3 with reduced risk of blood clots and stroke (one of many studies that have made this important connection). So, if you ask me, were actually talking about omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish) as a stroke prevention strategy and not consuming more protein. As Ive mentioned before, your average supermarket meat comes from grain-fed livestock. The grain fattens the animals, but reduces omega-3 content in the meat. Free-range animals and grass-fed animals produce meat with plenty of omega-3. If this new study had focused on grass-fed meat sources, Ill bet you a perfectly grilled T-bone steak that red meat would have been linked with reduced stroke risk too. In the meantime, dont let this tiny detail hold you back and start to regularly tuck into omega-3 rich salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, and herring.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 08:07:36 +0000

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