Omg. This perfectly describes my ex husband. Wow. "The one thing - TopicsExpress


Omg. This perfectly describes my ex husband. Wow. "The one thing that a sociopath is good at is playing victim. When you first meet the sociopath he will tell you stories, about how horrific his ex was, often he will accuse his ex of things that he was guilty of himself. So, if he cheated, he will tell you that she did. He will tell you that his ex was a psycho and how difficult it was. But whatever he tells you, he will be sure to ensure that he paints himself in a good light. He is great at turning on the waterworks and giving a good sob story.Sometimes this is what throws people off the scent of detecting that the person is a sociopath. Because they seem so weak, so kind and caring. Remember that a sociopath will always tell you what he thinks you want to hear.He will tell you great tales of how awful his childhood was. All of this is designed for you to pity him, for it is natural human behaviour for us to want to take care of someone that is needy. And this is what the sociopath plays on. And he plays this role well.A sociopath is extremely intelligent. He is clever, and creative, and without the burden of conscience, he can weave lies, saying whatever he feels like, to deceive and manipulate whoever is his latest victim.You will be left with the feeling that the sociopath has had a raw deal. You will be manipulated into thinking that you are special to this person, that you wouldn’t do these things, you wouldn’t cheat, you wouldn’t behave in that way, you will treat him better. But this is all part of the manipulation, designed to lure you in and control you. By opening up and disclosing personal information (which you do not realise are lies), it creates a sense of intimacy. What it also does, is create an environment where you will disclose personal information about yourself. Whilst the sociopaths stories of being a victim are false, the ones that you will tell him, will be true. The sociopath now has a list of your weaknesses, information that he can now use to control you, and later he will destroy you with.When the relationship comes to an end. You will be amazed, that despite all the sociopath has done to you, he still plays victim. Only this time, he would have found a new source of supply to play victim to, to lure in. This time the person that he was a victim of is you. Lies are now told about you, all designed to portray you the real victim in a bad light, and him in a good one. This enables him to lure in new victims, to gain support for his actions against you, and if he tells these tales to people you know, to isolate you from support.When the lies unravel, you will learn that most of what he said to you, whilst relaying his victims tales, was as fictional as a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale.He was never a victim. He was the maker of his own chaos. He will go on to create further chaos in others lives, just as he has created chaos in all of his previous victims lives. You were the last victim, but there will be plenty more in the future." Words © datingasociopath
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 13:52:11 +0000

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