Omg dnt believe it scott tells me ders sumfing wrong wit - TopicsExpress


Omg dnt believe it scott tells me ders sumfing wrong wit casper,wen e smoothed him e made a growl noise.went up 2 c casper has I smoothed him e was making growling noise wen e got up 2 walk off e started limping an ran downstairs I followed him an e was not puttin much weight on his right leg I rung the veterinary hospital an told wat waswrongi also told em I ave no money has idnt get paid till Tuesday she sed its ok we ave a form u can sign an u can pay at vets in st Budeaux Adam Wafer came an took us out there vet sed it seems that casper mite of knocked his leg an gave him an injection wen we came out I told the woman at the desk wat I was told on the fone she got another vet an I finds out they dnt ave this sort of arrangement asked me if I had any money or check book credit card I sed no I dnt she den sed wat bout askin a family member if they cud pay 4 me an I pay em bck adam asks how much does it cost an e paid it dntno wat I wud of dne if e wasnt there or cudnt help me ty darling 4 helpin xxx
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 18:47:54 +0000

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