On 1 March 1979, The New York Times carried an article on its - TopicsExpress


On 1 March 1979, The New York Times carried an article on its front page, written by Boyce Rensberger, with the headline: Nubian Monarchy Called Oldest. In the article, Rensberger wrote: Evidence of the oldest recognizable monarchy in human history, preceding the rise of the earliest Egyptian kings by several generations, has been discovered in artifacts from ancient Nubia. He estimated that The first kings of Ta-Seti may well have ruled about 5900 BC. Bruce Williams, archaeologist at the The University of Chicago, continuing the research, adds his perspective. A newly discovered ancient kingdom is always a matter of interest, but when it precedes the earliest known monarchy, the unification of Egypt in the fourth millennium B.C., then history itself is reborn. The place is ancient Nubia at Qustul, Aswan, Egypt, where the investigation of archaeological materials recovered during the great 1960s rescue effort has recently unveiled a birthplace of pharaonic civilization several generations before the rise of the first historic Egyptian dynasty. (Archeology Magazine) The rescue effort was to retain and document as many materials and artifacts as possible before waters from the construction of the two Aswan Dams, creating Lake Nasser, covered the entire area. According to Ivan Van Sertima, in a lecture, palaces were found, along with the falcon deity Heru (Greeks called Horus), which is later` found in Kemet. The beginnings of the Medu Neter (a sacred writing system), called hieroglyphs by the Greeks, were also found. One of the most significant finds was the crown of the south (before the unification of Kemet) on the heads of a dozen pharaohs, prior to the first pharaoh of Kemet. Women were regarded highly in Ta-Seti. A number of women had the title Kentake, which means Queen Mother. Roman literature referred to them as Candace. Some of the women were heads of state. Kentake Qalhata (639 B.C.) had her own pyramid built at Al Kurru. The reason so much emphasis has been put on Kemet, it is where ancient civilization reached its zenith. It is also the place that many European classicists scholars have declared war against the reality of the original inhabitants being indigenous Afrikans, and that the arts and sciences, which are now practiced throughout the world, were created by these same black people. This is totally unacceptable to these European and Arab scholars who will never admit what they already know. Even Keith C. Seele, who first began the research at Ta-Seti, did not reveal his findings while he was alive. When we refer to the worlds oldest civilization, we have to go beyond just Kemet itself, but reach into Sudan, commonly referred to as Nubia. No matter which area one wants to reference, scientific facts still reveal that civilization began in Afrika, created by black people.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:45:18 +0000

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