On 11/9/2013 8:48 PM, Harvey Wasserman, The World Community Must - TopicsExpress


On 11/9/2013 8:48 PM, Harvey Wasserman, The World Community Must Take Charge at Fukushima Campaign wrote: > > Hello all you wonderful Fukushima petition signers. hanks to you, we have successfully delivered the first round of more than 150,000 individual and group signatures asking for a global takeover at Fukushima. > > For photos and more, see > > popularresistance.org/take-action-for-international-assistance-with-the-crises-at-fukushima/ > > As the crisis there deepens, we must build on this, with more & more concerned citizens signing these petitions and creating an ever greater grassroots safe energy movement. > > On Thursday, November 7, the rain held off at the United Nations just long enough for us to celebrate this amazing initial response and to confirm our further commitment to organizing toward what needs to be done to solve this terrible crisis. > > The petitions were taken straight into the UN and up to Ban Ki-Moon’s office...and then the skies opened! > > This happened right in synch with the scheduled beginning of the operation to take fuel rods down from the damaged pool at Fukushima Unit Four. Then “technical difficulties” forced Tokyo Electric Power to delay the operation for “additional testing.” > > So now, in the interim, the nations of the world will have some time to evaluate our request for a global takeover of this life-and-death process. > > Meanwhile we continue with this and many other actions, petitions, and organizing....whatever we can do to build global awareness and help muster the scientific, engineering and financial resources to deal with this horrific nuclear nightmare. > > On Monday, November 11, some of us will do our first monthly “Eleventh Day Fast for Fukushima.” To commemorate the 3/11/11 beginning of the disaster, some of us we will not eat from dawn to dusk in solidarity with Fukushima’s victims, and to help focus our attention on doing whatever we can do to help get the site under control. > > We will do this on the 11th of every month from now on, until the crisis is over...which we expect no time soon. Please join us in this or whatever other action makes sense to you. > > As a postscript, we note that the absurd pro-nuclear propaganda piece “Pandora’s Promise” aired on CNN as we gathered. I’ll send a link to a review in a short while. > > But within hours of the showing of this unbalanced, profoundly inaccurate radioactive screed, there came a powerful response from where it really counts---in the actual head-count of atomic construction. Just after CNN sold itself to all the pro-nuke hype, the Dallas-based Luminant power company announced it was canceling work on two giant new reactors proposed for nearby Comanche Peak. > > This latest cancellation brings Pandora’s Box Score for 2013 to 5 announced shut-downs of operating reactors, 9 cancelled proposed new reactors and 6 scratched proposed uprates. > > Now if only Pandora will reverse her curse at Fukushima..... > > Thank you all again so much. > > As we work together to mitigate the horrors at Fukushima over the coming months and years, we will do all we can to help our planet heal from the deepening plague of the errant atom..... > > And then we”ll see you in Solartopia!!! > > HarveyW
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:06:24 +0000

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