On 22 November 2013, the Oswald Innocence Campaign will be hosting - TopicsExpress


On 22 November 2013, the Oswald Innocence Campaign will be hosting the premiere event to commemorate the 50th observance of the JFK assassination in Santa Barbara, CA, at the Fess Parker Doubletree Hotel (1-10:30 PM). Presenting cutting-edge research on the death of our 35th President, which holds the keys to understanding what took place, it will feature some of the best authors on some the most important evidence that clarifies and illuminates that tragic event in Dallas on 22 November 1963. The research presented will advance extensive, detailed evidence establishing that the assassination of JFK was a “national security event”, which involved crucial elements of the most powerful institutions in the American government, including the CIA, the Joint Chiefs, the FBI and the Secret Service, who conspired with the Mafia, anti-Castro Cubans and Texas oil men to remove JFK from office and replace his policies with those of Lyndon Baines Johnson. As Ralph Cinque has observed, this November 22nd, the government and the media are going to be going all out with the “official” lies about JFK–and with extreme prejudice. They are going to pull out all the stops to promote indefensible and long-disproven claims –- one more stomach-churning time. What can we do to stand up to this evil pomposity? We can literally “stand together” in Santa Barbara. We can come together and evoke the call for JFK truth. Even the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), itself a formal entity of the US government, rejected The Warren Report and concluded there had been a second gunman on the grassy knoll and that JFK was probably killed as the result of a conspiracy. If the HSCA can reject the original version of the lie, then surely we can reject its newer reincarnation. The assassination of JFK was a national security event. This was not the work of one man. Oswald didn’t do it. Elements of the government were responsible. A coup d-etat took place in 1963, and we have been living with the results of it for half a century–with millions of dead across the globe. With his loss, the US became a perpetual warfare state, and we live every day of our lives with the consequences of that monstrous fact. So, join us on this very special day to find strength in numbers, to make a blip on the national radar and take personal responsibility for disseminating the truth about JFK. What you weren’t supposed to ever know The evidence that substantiates the scenario of the assassination as a national security event is extensive and compelling. It has generated enormous resistance even within the JFK community, where several of those who will present their findings have been banned in a massive effort to suppress the truth and preserve the illusion that it was an event of a different kind, where the view that “the Mafia did it” or “the Cubans did it” or “the KGB did it” are frequently advanced, but where none of them could have effected the cover-up that was indispensable to convey the false impressions this conference will correct: Lee Harvey Oswald was working for the government when he was framed for the death of JFK Photos and films allegedly taken during the assassination were altered to conceal the truth Autopsy photos and X-rays were changed and faked to support a false account of the murder LBJ was a pivotal player–perhaps the pivotal player–who brought about the assassination George H.W. Bush was not only in Dealey Plaza but took an active role in carrying out the plot There were multiple shooters who tied the conspirators together to insure their mutual silence They included a Deputy Sheriff, an Air Force expert, an anti-Casto Cuban, a Police Officer and a Mafia shooter LBJ’s personal hit-man, who killed a dozen people for Lyndon, also appears to have been directly involved The Mafia could not have extended its reach into Bethesda Naval Hospital to alter X-rays and photographs Anti-Castro Cubans would have been unable to substitute someone else’s brain for that of JFK While the KGB had the capability to alter films, it could not have gained access to the Zapruder film The experts assembled for this unique conference–which will explain how it was done, who was responsible and why, and how it was covered up–have invested decades upon decades of their lives to research on crucial aspects of the case, including the medical, the ballistic, and the film and photographic evidence. They include the leading authorities on the role of Lyndon Baines Johnson, on the involvement of George H.W. Bush, on the management of the cover-up, on the death of key witnesses intimately related to JFK and by others who personally knew the man accused of killing him. If you are there, you will understand what went down.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:17:32 +0000

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